Category: Stoic Philosophy
Stoicism is a practical philosophy that can help you deal with the negative emotions and thoughts that come with a breakup, as well as improve your overall happiness.
There is a form of meditation practiced by the Stoics called Negative Visualization or Premeditio Malorum. It helps them stay prepared for the worst of the circumstances.
The View From Above is a meditative exercise that helps a Stoic have a greater understanding of their place in the world. What would you gain from it once …
Since Stoicism involves understanding our turbulent emotions and knowing how they can affect our lives, as well as finding ways to control them, it can help us develop inner …
Marcus Aurelius’s life is evidence that power does not necessarily make a man cold-blooded and evil. Today, many remember him fondly as The Philosopher King.
The Stoic Triangle of Happiness is a simple three-boundary figure that depicts Stoic happiness or eudaimonia. Its three arms are virtue, control, and responsibility, and the area inside is …