Category: ADHD & Autism
Are you on the Autism Spectrum? Take the AQ-10 test and get an instant result. It is quick and easy. Check your score to see if you need any …
ADHD is not a choice or purposeful disruptive behavior. Kids with ADHD aren't choosing to be inattentive; their brains are wired differently from the start.
Discover why people with ADHD often experience intense limerence and its surprising links to their romantic emotions.
Tired of letting your ADHD brain get the best of you? Learn how to break these self-sabotage patterns and free up your mind to feel the joys of life.
Learn how this one strategy from the latest research to enhance sleep quality if you are on ADHD medications. Also find other practical ways for better sleep.
Rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD) is a fear. It makes those with ADHD and autism react strongly with stress and anger to the rejective behaviors of others.