• Mar 27, 2025 • Read in ~5 mins
— By Dr. Sandip Roy.
You know this popular catchphrase: A healthy life is a happy life. Here’s a U-turn to that: A happy life is a healthy life.
Both are true because there’s a definite two-way relationship between our health and happiness.
Your emotions do more than change your mood. They can protect your health. Indeed, happiness is your body’s hidden health booster.
Scientists have uncovered a surprising link between happiness and your body’s ability to fight disease. Read on.
The Science of Emotions and Immunity
Imagine your body as a complex defense system. Your immune system doesn’t just work in isolation. It listens to your emotions.
Your brain and immune system communicate constantly. Your feelings send signals that can strengthen or weaken your body’s natural protection.
Positive Emotions Improve Immunity
Positive emotions trigger biological changes that boost your body’s ability to fight illness.
Humor boosts immunity.
- This study found that salivary IgA (Immunoglobulin A) levels increased considerably after participants were shown a hilarious video, but not after they watched an educational video.
- Researchers from the Center for Advancement of Health found that energetic, happy, and relaxed people are less likely to catch colds. While depressed, nervous, or angry people are more likely to complain about cold symptoms, whether or not they picked up the cold virus.
- This study at Carnegie Mellon University found that happy students were three times less likely to catch a cold. Some students had their happiness levels boosted before being exposed to a cold virus. These students were found to be less likely to catch the cold virus, and those who did catch it had milder symptoms, compared to the students who did not receive the happiness boost.
Optimism boosts immunity.
- Optimists are better off against stress-related changes in their immune system, especially when they are not facing any goal conflict, as this study suggests.
Love boosts a couple’s immunity.

- A 2013 study found that unhappy marriages can weaken the immune system over time, with distressed spouses having worse immune function than those in happy marriages.
- Dr. Anna Phillips’ research showed that losing a loved one in the past year is linked to a weaker response to the flu vaccine. And people in happy marriages are better protected against the flu.
- The Gottman Institute found that showing contempt (predictably the most destructive behavior to cause breakups in couples) towards a partner can harm their ability to fight off viruses and cancers.
- Greta Hysi’s research higher levels of negativity in marriages, which contribute to marital dissatisfaction, directly harm a couple’s physical health.
Negative Emotions Decrease Immunity
Research shows that stress and anxiety can reduce our body’s immune defense.
- In 1993, Kiecolt-Glaser and Glaser found that medical students’ immunity weakened during the stress of exams, resulting in fewer natural killer cells, reduced gamma-interferons, and low T-cell counts.
- In 2002, Layne McGuire, Kiecolt-Glaser, and Glaser discovered that even mild, long-term depression can weaken the immune system.
- In 2004, Suzanne Segerstrom found that stress lasting from days to months can significantly weaken the immune system in older adults.
- In 2005, Sarah Pressman and Sheldon Cohen reported that social isolation and loneliness reduced the immunity of students at CMU in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Our immune system has three lines of defense: Innate Immunity, first line, present at birth, acts as a rapid response team; Adaptive Immunity, second line, develops over time, triggered by vaccines, form immune system’s memory; and Passive Immunity, third line, temporary shield, borrowed from a source, like the immunity babies get from their mothers’ milk and placenta.

2 Happiness Tips For Stronger Immunity
Research suggests two key happiness tips for boosting immunity:
1. Have A Positive Outlook On Life
Your outlook matters more than you might think.
Positive outlook people, even with a family history of heart disease, are one-third less likely to get a heart attack within 5 to 25 years than negative outlook people. Researchers of the study think it could be that the more positive people are better protected against the inflammatory damages of stress.
Practical tips:
- Keep a gratitude journal
- Challenge negative thought patterns
- Surround yourself with supportive people
- Practice positive self-talk
2. Practice Compassion
Kindness and compassion are powerful tools to boost immunity.
In one study, volunteers watching a video of Mother Teresa carrying out acts of kindness and compassion had their protective antibody (IgA) levels significantly increased. In another study, volunteers asked to feel sentiments of care and compassion for 5 minutes had their IgA levels rise by roughly 50%.
Simple ways to practice compassion:
- Help a friend or a stranger without expecting anything in return
- Volunteer in your community for a good cause
- Listen to someone without judgment
- Perform random acts of kindness
Final Words
So we may safely suggest there is a positive relationship between the body’s immunity and our happiness.
- People are happier when they are in good health and not dealing with illnesses.
- To prevent illnesses and recover fast, we rely significantly on our immune system.
- When our immune system is working well, we have a better chance of being happier.
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√ Also Read: 10 Ways To Be Happy: Tips From Happiness Science
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