Measure Your Emotional Well-Being: Happiness Measures Quiz

• Nov 19, 2024 • Read in ~4 mins

The Happiness Measures (HM), also known as the Fordyce Emotion Questionnaire, is a valuable tool to find out your emotional well-being.

Unlike other measures that focus on the cognitive or eudaimonic aspects of Subjective Well-Being (SWB), the HM scale specifically targets the affective (emotional) component.

Studies show that the HM scale has the strong correlations with daily affect and life satisfaction, making it a reliable indicator of one’s overall subjective well-being.

So, your HM score can provide valuable insights into your emotional experiences and how they contribute to your overall sense of happiness and life satisfaction.

Take the quiz below.

The Happiness Measure

Fordyce Emotion Questionnaire

Time to complete: 2 minutes

Reference: Fordyce, M. W. (1988). A review of research on The Happiness Measures: A sixty second index of happiness and mental health. Social Indicators Research, 20, 63-89

Part 1

In general, how happy or unhappy do you usually feel?

Select the one statement below that best describes your average happiness:

Part 2

Consider your emotions a moment further.

On the average, what percent of the time do you feel happy, unhappy, and neutral? Enter your best estimates below (must add up to 100%):

The percentages must add up to 100%
What's Your Happiness Measure
What’s Your Happiness Measure?

Final Words

Did you know that happiness is a skill? That is, we can learn and get better at making our own happiness.

And that there is a happiness formula that says just about 10% of our happiness depends on external circumstances and possessions?

√ Also Read: ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) For Happiness, Now!

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