Category: Happiness & Wellbeing
Busy people who are actually happier. Busyness can be a process that makes us happy, but there are conditions attached. Let's dive in to understand it better.
Hopelessness is a major cause of self-harm and suicide. But you can learn to hope again and hope better.
Here are answers to the 10 most frequently asked questions about happiness. The answers are based on scientific theories.
Self-awareness is a critical human skill for living satisfying lives. The good thing is, it is a skill that we can learn and improve with practice.
The human body has organs that are responsible for removing toxins, including the liver, kidneys, intestines, and lungs They always perform an excellent job. We can't take over their …
Money can increase your happiness, but how can you spend it the right way to maximize your happiness? Find out what the research says.
People with an optimistic view have better mental health than pessimists. But, is optimism always the great motivator that we think it is?
Get your brain to stay sharp, lucid, and energetic by eating these ten brain foods, exercising and sleeping well, and adopting these expert tips from experts.
Usually, a glass-half-full type of person is an optimist. They interpret things with a positive mindset. Their hallmark attitude is one of optimism and hope.
Are you 17+ and having trouble paying attention and remembering things? It could be Adult ADHD. If you or someone you love has it, learn to take charge of …
The full form of CBT in psychology is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. CBT is a specific mental health therapy technique that focuses on identifying and changing the negative thoughts, beliefs, …
Criticisms attack our ego faster and harder than we imagine. We can all be sensitive to criticism if it only came from the ‘right’ person. Many who insist words …
To live like an Epicurean means learning how to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. The Epicureans are hedonistic consequentialists. For them, the ethical value of any action lay in …
Movement, physical activity, and play are essential for our physical and intellectual development. Positive Movement can boost our health, happiness, and well-being at every age.
Aging is a result of a horde of causes that work in synergy. At the cellular and molecular level, some causes are oxidative stress, glycation, telomere shortening, side reactions, …