Category: Happiness & Wellbeing
Can faking smiles make a positive difference in your mood and life? Popular wisdom says so, across generations and continents. But what does science say?
Friends are key to your happiness. Your happiness could make your friend's friend happier for an entire year. Learn te truths about friendship and happiness.
Happiness is more important than money and success in letting us live more fulfilling lives, that is, lives that we are proud to have lived in our last days.
First you’ll be less happy, and then those successes will stop giving you any more pleasure. A success that put you up on seventh heaven when it came by …
Happiness comes in two main shades: Joy vs Pleasure. We do need both. One for being happy now. Other for being happy while looking back over our shoulders.
Extroverts have a definite tell-tale pattern in their social behaviours. You can recognize them easily if you look closely for these 6 traits. What makes them score high on …
At times, happiness can have negative effects. Some kinds of happiness can hurt, and the person may not even realize that it's happiness that's hurting them.
Research shows placebo pills can help create lasting behavior change by tapping into societal expectations. Find out if the placebo effect is real.
You can’t keep the brand out of happiness. You can neither keep happiness out of a brand. "Happiness" is a influential marketing phenomenon today. How did it come about?
When poor and hungry, we suffer greatly. Money helps us overcome the hardships of poverty. But once we get out of poverty, can money buy happiness indefinitely?
Let's explore this psychology of music and happiness, and find out how melodies, rhythms, and harmonies affect our emotions and mental state.
We can't always wake up happy, but we can decide to take actions to create a happy day. Learn what's the International Day of Happiness.
Want to have a more satisfying life? Find out how to with these 8 scientific, practical suggestions from University of California psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky.
Do your Facebook friendships make you unhappy and envious? Can online friends deliver offline happiness? Why do you need social connections? What science says of this?
Is there a link between exercise and happiness? Yes. So, what is the brain science behind exercise happiness? Understand the brain science behind exercise and happiness. Find out how …
Why is happiness important? What research in positive psychology tells us about the A's and B's (advantages and benefits) of happiness?
Is there a math equation for happiness? A new equation found our happiness depends on expectations during decision making tasks, and a history of recent rewards.
Science says, past memory is the last to go. If you don't create happy memories today, what would you have when you're old age? Happiness tomorrow begins today.
Happiness Science is the scientific study of all that makes us feel happier - and how those strategies can make others find more joy in life.