How To Make True Love Last: 15 Simple Ways

• Nov 26, 2024 • Read in ~6 mins

Ever wondered how love fades in a long-term partnership?

Often, the reason is that the relationship has become a “fantasy bond,” with love becoming a taken-for-granted item.

This keeps us secure in the thought that we’re doing everything the relationship needs. But we are not.

We’re actually blocking out the carefree emotions that first pulled us close to our special someone.

It’s like having/being a friend who’s always there but never really connects at a vulnerable level.

None of you wants to rock the boat. Blame it on the busyness of keeping a steady partnership going.

To keep true love last, we need to break this fantasy bond. And take little actions to make the spark come alive.

15 Simple Ways To Make True Love Last

1. Show Love In Many Ways

Show your affection in many small and subtle ways.

Little acts of affection are a constant reminder of how much you value and appreciate your partner. They go a long way in keeping your sparks alive.

Give surprise and regular hugs. Hold hands. Leave sweet notes at places like the car dashboard, bathroom mirror and fridge door.

If you intuitively sense that your partner is having a tough day, a simple wordless hug and warm coffee can make them feel supported and loved.

2. Slow Down and Be Present

Take time to really listen to your partner. Put down your phone and have a real conversation. Being present means giving your full attention and showing genuine interest.

Instead of scrolling through social media during dinner, ask your partner about their day and really listen to their stories.

3. Make More Frequent Eye Contact

Look into each other’s eyes. It’s a simple way to feel connected. Eye contact can convey emotions that words can’t express.

During a heart-to-heart talk, maintain eye contact to show you’re fully engaged and care about what they’re saying.

4. Try Something Old

Keep doing the things you used to love together, like watching your favorite movie or going to your special spot. Revisiting old memories can reignite the feelings you had when you first fell in love.

Plan a movie night with your favorite film from when you first started dating. It’ll bring back warm memories and create new ones.

Have a car rendezvous like in the movie Titanic!

how to make true love last
Have a Titanic-like car rendezvous

5. Try Something New

Mix things up! Suggest new activities and be open to your partner’s ideas. Trying new things together can keep your relationship exciting and fresh.

If you both love food, try a new restaurant or even a cooking class. It’s a fun way to explore something new together.

6. Break Routine

If your routine is getting boring, shake things up. Surprise your partner with something spontaneous. Breaking the routine can add excitement and prevent your relationship from feeling stale.

Instead of the usual dinner at home, plan a surprise picnic in the park. The change of scenery can make the evening feel special.

7. Avoid Passivity and Control

Share your ideas equally. Don’t try to control your partner; take responsibility for your own actions. A balanced relationship is one where both partners feel heard and valued.

If you’re planning a trip, involve your partner in the decision-making process. Their input will make the trip more enjoyable for both of you.

8. Talk as an “I” Instead of a “We”

You’re two separate people — keep that in mind. Don’t overstep boundaries; it can make things less exciting. Maintaining individuality is key to a healthy relationship.

Instead of saying “We should go to the gym,” say “I think going to the gym would be good for me.” It respects your partner’s autonomy.

9. Be Aware of Your Critical Inner Voice

We all have a little voice inside that can be mean to us and our partner. Don’t let it ruin your relationship. Recognizing and silencing this voice can help you appreciate your partner more.

If you find yourself thinking negatively about your partner, take a moment to reflect on their positive qualities instead.

10. Do Something Independently

Just because you’re a couple doesn’t mean you have to do everything together. Keep your own hobbies and friendships. Having separate interests can make your time together more meaningful.

If you love painting, set aside time for it. Your partner will appreciate seeing you happy and fulfilled.

11. Communicate What You Feel

Don’t expect your partner to read your mind. Say what you want and feel directly. Open communication is the foundation of a strong relationship.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, tell your partner. They can’t help if they don’t know what’s bothering you.

12. Avoid the “Tit for Tat” Mentality

Love is something you choose to do, not something you measure. Don’t keep score; just enjoy being loving. Focusing on giving love freely can create a more loving environment.

If your partner does something nice for you, don’t feel like you have to immediately return the favor. Just appreciate the gesture and show love in your own way.

13. Support The Things That Light Your Partner Up

Encourage your partner to do what makes them happy, even if it’s not your thing. Their happiness will bring joy to your relationship.

If your partner loves hiking, but you prefer staying indoors, encourage them to go with friends. Seeing them happy will make you happy too.

14. Do Things Your Partner Would Perceive as Loving

Do things that matter to your partner. If they love surprises, plan one. If they love quiet time, give them space. Understanding your partner’s love language can make your actions more meaningful.

If your partner values quality time, plan a day just for the two of you. It shows you understand and care about their needs.

15. Don’t Become Closed Off

Don’t shut down when you feel upset. Stay open and let love in. Being vulnerable can be scary, but it’s essential for a deep connection.

If you’re feeling hurt, talk to your partner about it instead of withdrawing. Opening up can lead to a stronger bond.

Final Words

You know this, but it still calls for reminding: Love is a journey that needs constant effort and attention.

Those small steps above can help you keep the flame of love burning bright. However, if you feel like you could do with a refresher or want to rekindle the spark, take a look at our article for some highly insightful tips:

“10 Questions To Fall In Love Again (They Actually Work)”

» Going to therapy is a positive choice. Therapists can help you feel better by working through your emotional patterns and trauma triggers.
