Raising A Narcissist: How Parenting Styles Shape Narcissism In The Young

• Modified: Sep 10, 2024 • Read in: 2 mins

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and pathological narcissism can cause plenty of problems for the person who has it, and their relationships.

This study looked at factors in childhood that might contribute to someone developing narcissistic traits when they are a young adult.

The researchers surveyed 328 young people aged 17-25. They measured levels of grandiose narcissism (having an unrealistic sense of superiority) and vulnerable narcissism (hiding insecurities behind a mask of confidence).

Participants answered questions about their mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles — things like overprotection, lack of care, overvaluation, and leniency. They also reported if they experienced abuse or neglect as a child.

The results showed that both maternal and paternal overprotection were associated with higher levels of grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.

  • Mothers overvaluing their child, and being too lenient, were linked to grandiose and vulnerable narcissism.
  • For fathers, a combination of overvaluation with lack of care, or overvaluation with leniency, was associated with grandiose narcissism.
Are You Raising A Narcissist

Overall, mothers’ parenting styles seemed to have a stronger influence than fathers’.

Surprisingly, lack of care and childhood maltreatment alone were not specific risk factors for developing narcissistic traits.

Instead, it was the overprotective, overvaluing, and lenient parenting behaviors that emerged as the most important childhood factors associated with narcissism in young adults.

The researchers propose that these types of parenting don’t allow the child to develop a realistic self-view.

  • Overvaluation may directly encourage an overly positive self-view, not based in reality.
  • Overprotection limits the ability to learn from experiences, while leniency means the self-view is not corrected.

This study suggests parenting that is caring but not overprotective, sets appropriate limits, and praises achievements realistically may help foster a more adaptive self-view and prevent narcissistic traits from developing.

So, in summary, young adults were more likely to be narcissistic if their parents were overprotective, treated them as overly special, and were too lenient, especially mothers.

Such parenting can lead children to have unrealistic views of themselves, and contribute to developing narcissistic traits not corrected by experience. This invaluable insight can help experts design childhood interventions targeted at parenting styles.

√ Also Read: How To Help Your Child Cope With Stress?

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