8 Ways To Deal With Internet/Online Trolls

• Sep 18, 2024 • Read in ~8 mins

Online trolling is a vicious form of antisocial behavior that can make its victims suffer depression, anxiety, and fear. But how to deal with internet trolls?

Do you too feel that trolling online has reached a Satanic art form today?

I feel so, and what’s worse, even science says so. Online trolls are mostly sadists, according to research.

Internet trolling is more than just an unprovoked attack on others.

It is a dangerous form of online antisocial behavior, and its victims often suffer from depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Learn how to deal with trolls.

8 Ways To Deal With Internet Trolls

Trolls are plenty on the internet. They spam and jam your social media feeds, often riding the hashtags of the day, to push their agenda, causing chaos and irritation. They can frustrate any normal stream of conversation.

Here are the top 8 strategies on how to deal with trolling on the internet:

1. Ignore The Troll (#1 Strategy)

This comes from Angela Saini, an award-winning journalist and author:

“The internet creates monsters out of nobodies by harvesting eyeballs, clicks, likes, and retweets. All you have to do to win is ignore them. Never engage with racists or sexists because attention is their oxygen. Instead, amplify those who do good work.”

deal with trolls - 2

Her advice can be distilled into 3 words:

Ignore The Trolls.

This action is the most effective one, and veterans who regularly deal with online trolling say it is the only right way to respond to trolls. Trolls must be ignored, not engaged in a conversation.

So, how to deal with trolls on social media? First rule: Do not indulge the troll.

Saini’s book, Superior: The Return of Race Science, was published to widespread critical acclaim and named The Book of The Year by the Financial Times, Nature, The Telegraph, and Sunday Times.

For her latest book, The Patriarchs: How Men Came to Rule, Saini traveled to the world’s earliest known human settlements, analyzed the research findings in science and archaeology, and traced cultural and political histories from the Americas to Asia.

how patriarchy began  - angela saini

2. Don’t Let Them Grab The Spotlight

Trolls are mostly unknown persons who desperately seek the spotlight.

There is nothing they hate more than having their attention stolen from them. Ignore them, and you suffocate their sinister plans to death.

However, engaging them, even with your best intentions and the kindest words, their plans get lifeblood. Once you do that, their vitriolic selves come alive in truly demonic shapes.

Now they attack you, your family, your relationships. They come at your past, your race, your beliefs, and your credentials. Your education, your intellect, your nature, and even your very existence become their dartboards.

This last part sometimes takes the form of a gruesome provocation repeated over and over, “Why don’t you kill yourself?”

That is the most evil aggravation to be thrown at a depressed person. Amanda Todd and Charlotte Dawson were two early victims of this kind of horrific trolling.

how to handle an online troll

3. Don’t Get Into An Argument With Them

Getting into a long thread of argument with a troll is a self-defeating idea.

The trolls get what they wanted in the first place—public attention. But it is you whose professional and personal brand gets tarnished.

So, do not play their game. Do not step into the virtual fighting arena set up for you. You would most probably lose in a humiliating way because they have a long experience of hitting below the belt.

The best way is to let them never have that chance. Never indulge them. Leave them to their pitiful state. As soon as you stop paying attention, the fire starts to peter out.

Do not climb down that rabbit hole and become the most conspicuous part of the entire disaster. If you do, that is when the worst thing starts to unfold.

Each time you play equally dirty as them, replying with the same toxicity and rage, you gift them an extra boost of life. Remember, what happens next is under the watchful eyes of your fans and followers.

Suddenly, they change tracks and point out you are the vile offender they “knew you were from the beginning.” They become their loudest, trying to prove to others what a mean person you are, and always were, by quoting you and even attaching screenshots of your comments.

Congratulations! You are the troll now.

You got your pound of flesh, but now everyone sees blood on your hands. Your hands, not theirs. They are the victims now, as the public sees.

You are the fish out of the water now, wondering how on earth did it come down to this? How could you let yourself stoop to their level? How could you let yourself stoop to their level?

So, stand a strict guard long before you reach this stage.

Defeat Internet Trolls
Online Trolling: Men are more likely than women to engage in trolling

4. Don’t Respond To A Troll With Anger

Remain calm and civil at all times. Do not lose your temper.

If they get your goose, the least harm they would do is make a joke out of you. Even with that, the community could hold you as someone whose buttons any random stranger might push at will.

Do not take the tiniest step to indulge them—no matter how much they tempt you.

Take the high road and let those of their first troll-words baiting you roll off your back.

5. Press The Delete Button.

If it is your timeline they are trolling on, delete the offensive comment before it flares up. Unfriend and block that person from your timeline. Delete their identities from your social media.

And if you cannot do any of those because it is a group or page where you are not the admin or the moderator, delete your original post. This strike always works—it quietly steals the carpet from under their feet.

Then go out and mind your other businesses.

6. Report The Troll To A Higher Authority

You can report them to the group or page administrator if on Facebook.

For Twitter and others, you could send a direct message to the person who started the conversation or thread. These might or might not work, as the admin or original poster may be too busy to notice.

They may not even bother.

You could also report to Facebook or Twitter. That, though effective at times, can take days to reach any resolution. The storm would have passed by then, with the harm done.

7. Respond To The Troll With Humor

This strategy is dicey, at best. It might or might not work, and you cannot be sure which way it goes.

You may be able to defuse the trolls with a hilarious or even mildly humorous comment. You might even thank them for being a part of the discussion and the community while asking them to be polite. But none of those tactics is ever a guarantee.

You might also try laughing off their comments. However, that would not make sure they would be any milder towards their next victim.

8. Troll Back The Troll

Interestingly, trolls are also calibrated by users for their degree of success both in relation to the quality of the trolling, and how others respond to the troll.

One way to bring down a troll is to launch a counterattack by the group. This “trolling the troll” can criticize their low-quality and failed attempts, and take the form of comments as:

  • “Folks, this is a newbie troll; don’t feed him.”
  • “The worst troll we have seen in a long time.”
  • “S/he needs a lot of practice at his trolling. Right now, it’s not good.”
  • “In the history of the trolls we have had here, s/he is the least entertaining.”
  • “Haven’t we used all the troll food yet? S/he’s really dumb, no matter what s/he says.”

This strategy has a precondition: it better come from an entire group, or at least a subgroup within the group. It does not work very successfully when a single person, usually the marked victim, mocks the troll.

What Is Internet Trolling?

Trolling on the internet is the practice of responding to content or comments on social media in a disruptive, destructive, or deceptive way. It typically serves to let the perpetrator feel in control. A study by Claire Hardaker (2010) found four major features of trolling: aggression, deception, disruption, and success.

Dr. Hardaker, a senior lecturer at Lancaster University who researches aggression and deception, says trolling frequently causes conflict, highly emotional reactions, and disrupts communication, for the troll’s own amusement.

The internet is teeming with trolls. You cannot escape them without being off the grid.

Trolling became a flagrant part of internet lingo when, in 2014, sixteen-year-old Amanda Todd took her life after years of online bullying.

The same year, Charlotte Dawson, a television celebrity, attempted suicide after battling a horde of Twitter trolls.

Final Words

Trolls believe they can grab control of the conversation because they have the authority to do so. They troll because they think they can take down your honor. To counter a troll, you only need to ignore them.

A troll who gets no response has failed. When you ignore them, you tell them without actually telling them:

No, you do not have control here. I have taken away your spotlight. You can slither back into your dark hole now.

And the troll does just that.

√ Also Read: How to spot the red flags of a narcissist?

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