• Nov 30, 2023 • Read in ~2 mins
Saying hello to a person in their native language helps them warm up to you because they understand that you are trying to “speak” to their nationality and culture.
- Hello is a greeting (salutation) said when meeting someone or acknowledging someone’s arrival or presence.
- Hello is sometimes used colloquially as a sarcastic way to imply that the person addressed or referred to has done something the speaker or writer considers to be foolish.
- And in Britain, a hello can be an expression of puzzlement or discovery.

So, learn to say “Hello” in 40 languages when you meet people, give them a pleasant surprise, and connect with them easily.
This table offers both formal and informal ways of saying Hello, especially useful for greeting people in different social contexts and cultures.
Language | Formal Hello | Pronunciation | Informal Hello |
Arabic | مرحبا | Marhaba | Ahlan |
Bulgarian | Здравейте | Zdraveyte | Zdrasti |
Croatian | Bok | Bok | Ćao |
Czech | Ahoj | Ahoy | Čau |
Danish | Hej | Hay | Halløj |
Dutch | Hallo | Hah-loh | Hoi |
Estonian | Tere | Teh-reh | Tervist |
Filipino | Kumusta | Koo-moo-stah | Hoy |
Finnish | Hei | Hay | Moi |
French | Bonjour | Bon-zhoor | Salut |
German | Hallo | Hah-loh | Hi |
Greek | Γειά σου | Yassou | Geia |
Hebrew | שלום | Shalom | Hey |
Hindi | नमस्ते | Namaste | Hai |
Hungarian | Szia | See-ah | Szervusz |
Icelandic | Halló | Ha-low | Hæ |
Indonesian | Halo | Hah-lo | Hei |
Irish | Dia dhuit | Jee-ah ghwitch | Haigh |
Italian | Ciao | Chow | Ehilà |
Japanese | こんにちは | Konnichiwa | Yā |
Korean | 안녕하세요 | Annyeonghaseyo | Annyeong |
Latvian | Sveiki | Svey-kee | Čau |
Lithuanian | Labas | Lah-bahs | Sveikas |
Maltese | Ħelow | Heh-low | Ħej |
Mandarin Chinese | 你好 | Ni hao | Nǐ hǎo |
Norwegian | Hei | Hay | Hallo |
Polish | Cześć | Chesht | Hej |
Portuguese | Olá | Oh-lah | Oi |
Romanian | Bună | Boo-nuh | Salut |
Russian | Привет | Privet | Zdravstvuy |
Serbian | Здраво | Zdravo | Ćao |
Slovak | Ahoj | Ahoy | Čau |
Slovenian | Živjo | Zhiv-yo | Hej |
Spanish | Hola | Oh-lah | Qué tal |
Swedish | Hej | Hay | Tja |
Thai | สวัสดี | Sawasdee | Sawatdi |
Turkish | Merhaba | Mer-hah-bah | Selam |
Vietnamese | Xin chào | Sin chow | Chào |
Welsh | Helo | Heh-lo | Shwmae |
Zulu | Sawubona | Sah-woo-boh-nah | Unjani |
√ Please share it with someone if you found this helpful.
√ Also Read: This companion post — How To Say “Goodbye” In 40 Different Languages
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