Read the latest posts from The Happiness Blog.
- 13 Signs of Narcissist Hoovering (Why They Won’t Let You Go)When your relationship with a narcissist ends, it doesn’t mean they disappear from your life. They start what they are experts at — narcissist hoovering.
- Know Yourself More: 2-Week Self-Awareness ChallengeSelf-awareness is understanding your thoughts and feelings. This 2-week challenge offers small, manageable steps to know yourself more; no excuses to not try.
- Value Yourself More: 2-Week Self-Respect ChallengeSelf-respect is recognizing your value and what you have achieved. This 2-week challenge includes small, doable steps to respect yourself more, no apologies.
- Love Yourself More: 2-Week Self-Love ChallengeSelf-love is choosing to appreciate and value yourself on purpose. This 2-week challenge includes small, doable steps to feel good about yourself, no apologies.
- 5 Healthiest Sugar Alternatives In 2025 & BeyondThe quest for healthy sugar alternatives continues to evolve, with new research and consumer preferences shaping the landscape. What are your best options?
- How To Get Closure After A Bad Breakup?Ending a relationship can sting. But when a relationship ends on a sour note, achieving closure can seem impossible. Discover how to find closure and move on.
- Expressive Writing: Do Your Own Therapy; Heal Your TraumaWriting in a certain way can help you heal from your past trauma, overcome stress, and find peace. Learn the expressive writing technique; do your own therapy.
- How Narcissists Punish Their Victims: 11 Tactics RevealedNarcissists plan for years before it’s time to deliver their punishments. They don’t stop at smear campaigns and revenge social media posts. They can do worse.
- 10 Reasons Why Narcissists Are DrainingWhy are narcissists such energy vampires? Why do you feel drained after interacting with them? For one, the emotional tax you pay. What are the other reasons?
- How To Overcome Burnout Without Quitting Your JobBurnout at work can silently creep up on you even when working from home or a holiday destination. How to help yourself overcome it without quitting your job?
- 10 Rumi Quotes That Psychology Agrees WithRumi said many things that speak to the soul. But how does modern psychology see Rumi’s quotes? Let’s interpret some of his beautiful sayings from this angle.
- Is It Autism: Take The AQ-10 Test To Find OutAre you on the Autism Spectrum? Take the AQ-10 test and get an instant result. It is quick and easy. Check your score to see if you need any further assessment.
- What A High-Conflict Narcissist Fears Most: A Closer LookDiscover the hidden fears of narcissistic high-conflict people and what triggers their deepest insecurities. And how to handle their conflict-prone rage spells?
- Zany Tales of The Rudest Philosopher Ever: Diogenes of SinopDiogenes defied social norms in shocking ways. He even brushed aside Alexander the Great. He remains a fascinating figure because of his wild life stories.
- Evil Psychology of Internet Trolls (And How To Handle Them)Internet trolls are often gentle, almost timid people in real lives, unlike their evil online persona. They have a distorted psychology. How can you handle them?
- ADHD In Children Isn’t About Bad Behavior Or LazinessADHD is not a choice or purposeful disruptive behavior. Kids with ADHD aren’t choosing to be inattentive; their brains are wired differently from the start.
- 20 Signs of A Narcissist: Narcissistic Behavior Red FlagsA narcissist is obsessed with a godlike, perfect version of themselves, yet deep down, they know and dislike their true self. This self-worship is actually a mask for their self-hatred.
- Mental Minimalism: 10 Tips To Declutter Your MindMake your mind calmer and clearer. Use these ten tips to reduce mental clutter and feel more peaceful. Perfect for those looking for mental clarity and focus.
- 10 Clear Signs of A Toxic RelationshipOne sign you’re in a toxic relationship is that you keep feeling bad after meeting them. They invalidate your feelings. What other signs say you they are toxic?
- How Men vs. Women Define Success in Life: What Science SaysDiscover how men and women see success and incomes differently. Men appreciate the amount that women earn, women value the percentage that men contribute.
- Why ADHD People Feel Limerence (Strong One-Sided Love)Discover why people with ADHD often experience intense limerence and its surprising links to their romantic emotions.
- 9 Reasons You Fear Letting Someone Love You: PhilophobiaSome people have an intense fear of being in love. This fear can make them deliberately act rude with anyone who might take a liking to them. Find out why.
- Fear Psychology: A Concise List of 30+ Human PhobiasA quick list of 30+ phobias. Arranged neatly into five major scientific categories.
- PREVENT Calculator: Measure Your Heart Disease Risk TodayThe PREVENT calculator by the American Heart Association (AHA) estimates the risk of heart disease over a 10-year period and across the lifespan (30 years).
- Female Narcissist Cheating Patterns: 20 Typical TraitsFemale narcissists are more capable of and more likely to cheat on their partners. Her infidelity can be much harder to detect. Find out more interesting facts.
- Free Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Test: Quick TestTake the free Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) test to assess your symptoms. Quickly answer 10 simple questions and understand your mental health better.
- 10 Facts About Quiet People From PsychologyQuiet people are often stereotyped. Many see them as strange, lacking social skills, or people who hate people. But the truth is quite different.
- 25 No-Fluff Tips for Digital Minimalism This YearDiscover short, ultra-practical tips to boost your digital minimalism and productivity. Simplify your online life this year!
- 3 Stoic Ways To Make Bold Choices (When Fear Holds You Back)Discover how to conquer fear with Stoic wisdom and make bold choices in life. Don’t let your imagination hold you back. Instead, use it to open up the future.
- How To Practice Stoicism: 18 Stoic Exercises For Modern LifeStoicism started on the streets, and spread in a way it was always accessible to the common person. Try these Stoic exercises.