Author: Sandip Roy
Do fear and anxiety keep you from bravely facing the inescapable situations and people? Then these tips will help you overcome the jarring pattern of your response.
Although self forgiveness is not a one-size-fits-all process, here are seven effective and helpful steps to forgive yourself.
Your morning plays a critical role in shaping your entire day. If you wake up early, you'll be happier and more motivated to achieve your goals.
Resilience in psychology is more than your ability to bounce back from misery. What does it mean then? And how did one maverick psychologist changed it all?
Resilience in psychology means the ability in people to bounce back from adversity. Find out how scientists define it.
These self-love quotes for girls and women will remain with you for a long time. Like this one: "Self-criticism and self-love don't live in the same house."
Here are 20 techniques to help you optimize your mindful eating process. Learn to approach each bite you take with curiosity, gratitude, and non-judgment.
Mindless eating is something you are so used to doing that you simply don't know how to avoid it. Here are tips to stop that.
These books will help you understand the science, business, philosophy, and even the negative effects of happiness and positive psychology.
Zeno said a Stoic should learn how to control his emotions and desires, be indifferent to both pleasure and pain, and always do what is virtuous.
The Stoics held death is a final, inevitable, natural event, and no one needs to be afraid of it.
Burnout at work can silently creep up on you even when working from home or a holiday destination. How to help yourself overcome it without quitting your job?
'Follow your passion' is a often a misguided hope. Instead, the truth is you need curiosity for success and happiness in life.
What’s the role of parenting when the child is suffering from depression? Here are 8 mistakes parents make when their child is in depression.
However bad your today is, you can make your tomorrow better. Six scientific + 1 philosophic strategies for a brighter tomorrow.