20 Phrases To Say To Shut Down A Gaslighter

• Modified on Jul 23, 2024 • Reading time: 5 minutes

It is not always good or ethical to shut someone down. Instead, it may be more helpful to validate their feelings with empathy and support.

But if someone is gaslighting you, you are perfectly justified in shutting them down. Because they are invalidating your feelings and experiences.

  • Gaslighting is a hidden form of emotional abuse that pushes you into extreme mental chaos.
  • The gaslighter wants to manipulate you into questioning your own reality, memory, or perceptions.
  • They will deny facts, prove you saw or heard the wrong thing, make up false stories, or label you as “crazy” to gain power and control over you.

The phrases below will help you set boundaries with them, while also informing them you will no longer tolerate their behavior.

20 Phrases To Say To Shut Down Gaslighting

  1. “I don’t like being lied to or manipulated. I know what my experiences and feelings are, and I don’t need you to tell me what is real or not. I stand by my version of events.”
  2. “I want to have a healthy and respectful relationship, but your behavior is not helping me do that. You’re gaslighting me, and you must stop it.”
  3. “Your behavior is hurtful and damaging to my mental health and thought process. I need you to respect my versions of events. Accept my reality instead of trying to invalidate it.”
  4. “You are gaslighting me. Gaslighting is emotional abuse, and I will not accept it. I will not allow you to continue treating me this way.”
  5. “I am not going to doubt what I remember or believe just because you think you are smarter and therefore more correct than me. That is manipulation. I deserve better behavior from you.”
  6. “I know that I am not crazy or mistaken. I will not let you convince me otherwise.”
  7. “I am not alone. My friends and family are with me. You cannot carry on with your gaslighting without facing resistance from us.”
  8. “Your habitual gaslighting is a serious issue that is damaging our relationship. I need you to stop. Let’s take a break until you get some therapy for your behavior.”
  9. “I want you to stop attacking my mental sanity with your gaslighting. I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and I will not let you continue to hurt me.”
  10. “Your gaslighting is intolerable, and I will not put up with it any longer. I demand that you stop immediately. STOP!”
  11. “I believe in my perceptions, opinions, and experiences. I choose to stand by them. And I will not let you make me doubt myself.”
  12. “I refuse to be a victim of your gaslighting any longer. If you do not end this behavior right away, I’ll have to cut you out of my life.”
  13. “I will not be lied to or manipulated. Your gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse, and I will not stand for it.”
  14. “I am not going to let you control or manipulate me. I am standing up for myself and my well-being.”
  15. “I am seeking help and support to deal with your gaslighting. I will not allow it to continue to hurt me.”
  16. “Your gaslighting has become a major cause of my mental distress. You need to address it right away. I will not tolerate your lying and manipulating any longer.”
  17. “I am taking action to protect myself from your gaslighting. I will not let you continue to hurt me. If you follow me, I’ll report you.”
  18. “I am declaring your behavior unacceptable. And I’m going to make sure you don’t get to gaslight me again. From this moment on, any words we exchange will have to be recorded.”
  19. “I am standing up for myself and my well-being. I will not let you continue to gaslight me or control me.”
  20. “I won’t stay in a relationship with someone who gaslights me. This is a deal-breaker for me. If you don’t stop your act, I’ll leave right now.”
Phrases To Shut Down Gaslighters
“I know that I am not crazy. I’ll not let you convince me otherwise.”

What do you say to someone who gaslights you?

If you suspect you are the victim of gaslighting, keep a record of the conversation between the two of you and analyze it to see if they are really gaslighting you.

If they are, tell them clearly and bravely that their behaviors are deceptive, abnormal, and unacceptable.

Whatever you say, it must mean and conclude only one thing:

“I know you’ve been gaslighting me. Stop it immediately.”

Be clear and firm.

Final Words

If someone has been gaslighting you for years and refuses to stop despite your many requests, you may need to take more extreme measures to protect your mental balance and sanity.

Of course, you will need to set stronger boundaries and communicate more assertively to let the person know that their behavior is affecting your mental health.

Prioritize your own safety and well-being in these dangerous situations. Remember, standing up for yourself can be difficult, but it is crucial for your emotional well-being.

Get help from experienced mental health professionals. If the gaslighting persists, you may need to distance yourself from the person or seek legal action.

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√ Also Read: 20 Gaslighting Phrases (That Narcissists & Manipulators Use)

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