• Mar 7, 2025 • Read in ~5 mins
— By Dr. Sandip Roy.Are you curious if you have traits of autism? Or where you might fall on the spectrum?
The AQ-10 is a 10-question self-test that is a great starting point. This quick and easy test explores different autism traits, such as:
- social understanding,
- attention to detail, and
- communication styles.
The AQ-10 is not a diagnostic tool, but a basic functional tool that can help you in your journey to self-discovery.
Take the AQ-10 Autism Spectrum Quotient Test below:
AQ-10 Autism Spectrum Quotient Test
This is a quick screening tool to see if further autism assessment is recommended. Please answer honestly based on how you generally feel.
Important Note: This screening tool is not a diagnostic instrument. A high score does not mean you have autism, and a low score does not rule it out. If you have concerns about autism, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional for a proper assessment.
- This questionnaire above does not store any data and is purely for self-assessment.
- If you score in a range that makes you feel anxious, please reach out to a professional for further evaluation.

- The AQ-10 retains the predictive validity of the full 50-item inventory. Thus, it is a valuable instrument for rapidly quantifying where a person is placed on the continuum from autism to normality.
- Always consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis of any medical or psychological condition.
Further Reading:
- AQ-10 Autism Quiz
- AQ-10 Tag (Embrace Autism)
- AQ-10 Autism Spectrum Quotient
- Autism Spectrum Quotient (Wikipedia)
- Autism Spectrum Quotient by NHS (PDF)
- Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-10 Adult)
- Signposting Questionnaire for Autism (SQ-A)
- Autism Spectrum Quotient Test (Psychology Tools)
Final Words
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders that affect how people learn, interact, communicate, and behave.
People with ASD face challenges in social communication, interaction, and the presence of restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests.

The spectrum includes:
- Autistic disorder: marked by social challenges, communication difficulties, and repetitive behaviors or interests
- Asperger’s syndrome: difficulties in social interaction, restricted interests, and unusual speech patterns, without significant delays in cognitive or language development
- Pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS): Atypical autism with some, but not all, features of autistic disorder or Asperger’s
- Childhood disintegrative disorder: a rare condition where children develop normally and then lose multiple areas of function
- Rett syndrome: a genetic neurological disorder primarily affecting girls, leading to developmental regression and physical disabilities
There is no known cure. Interventions and therapies can help affected individuals develop essential skills.
Finally, we must never forget that ASD is a spectrum, and each person may present with unique strengths and challenges.
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