• Modified on Dec 14, 2024 • Reading time: 4 minutes
— By Dr. Sandip Roy.
Narcissism is a complicated personality disorder. Narcissists often hurt their close people more than they suffer themselves.
In this post, I take a lighthearted look at the behaviors and nature of narcissists. In no way do I intend to make fun of the condition, its affected persons, or its victims.
Rather, I want to provide insights into the condition in a way that you can relate to, share, and remember.
So, let’s explore some intriguing and sometimes surprising facts about narcissism with a touch of breezy informality.
1. Narcissists: The Self-Appointed Superheroes
- Narcissists often see themselves as superheroes, minus the cape.
- It’s like they’re always looking in a magic mirror that shouts back, “You’re the fairest of them all!”
- Their inflated self-worth is like their superpower, making them believe they’re superior to mere mortals.
2. Narcissists: The Applause Addicts
- Narcissists crave admiration like a sweet tooth craves candy.
- They’re like applause addicts, always eager for their next standing ovation, even if it means performing a mime in the middle of a busy highway.
- Beware, their thirst for attention and validation might put a starved vampire to shame!

3. Narcissists: The Ones With Misplaced Empathy
- Narcissists often seem to have misplaced their empathy, like misplacing keys.
- When it comes to understanding others’ feelings, it’s as if they’re trying to read a foreign language.
- This is not a great recipe for healthy relationships, but it surely simplifies their emotional menu!
Can you tell a narcissist from their language? This study suggests yes, you can. Researchers found that people with high narcissism:
- use more words overall,
- more swear words (e.g., damn),
- frequently use auxiliary verbs (e.g., will),
- show less agreement in their speech,
- use more aggressive and disagreeable words, which leads to poorer quality relationships with others.
4. Narcissists: The Green-Eyed Monsters
- Narcissists often get green-eyed at others’ achievements.
- Their motto seems to be, “If you’re shining, I need to shine brighter!”
- It’s as if they’re in a constant race, and everyone else’s success is a personal affront.
5. Narcissists in Love: A One-Man Show
- Narcissists do fall in love, but it’s like a one-man show with them as the star.
- Their love serves their self-interest, like a mirror that reflects their grandeur back at them.
- It’s like marrying your reflection, and as far as they’re concerned, they’ve found the perfect match!
“All love in a narcissistic relationship flows to them — your love and their love, both are for them.”

6. Narcissists: The Critics’ Critics
- Narcissists have a fear of criticism that’s as profound as a mouse’s fear of cats.
- It’s like they’re constantly on a tightrope, and any hint of criticism could send them tumbling.
- Beware, any critique from you (however much constructive) might activate their inner Hulk!
7. Narcissists: The Charm Vendors
- Narcissists can be so charming they could sell ice cubes to Eskimos.
- They ooze charisma like a well-squeezed sponge, making it easier for them to manipulate others.
- But remember, this charm is like a flashy commercial, designed to sell you something you might not need!

8. Narcissists: Eggshell-Ego People
- Despite their Superman persona, narcissists often have an ego as fragile as an eggshell.
- They’re like balloons filled with self-pride, just one prick away from deflation.
- Their need for validation and admiration is as essential as a band-aid on a wound.
9. The Narcissist’s Masquerade
- Narcissists often wear a ‘false self’ like a masquerade ball mask.
- This facade is as dazzling as a Broadway star, hiding any signs of self-doubt.
- It’s like they’re in a permanent costume party, and the theme is “Best Impression of a Superstar.”
10. Narcissists: The Emotional Rollercoaster Pilots
- Narcissists can often turn relationships into emotional rollercoasters.
- With the highs of idealization, the lows of devaluation, and the sudden stops of discarding, they ensure the ride is thrilling, if not enjoyable.
- It’s a wild ride with them, so buckle up!
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