How To Address Insubordination In Remote Employees

Reading time: 5 minutes

Some great companies are continuing remote work as a long-term option. The latest example is that of Spotify, which said it backs work-from-home policy because employees aren’t ‘children’.

This has its benefits, undoubtedly, as it saves commute time and stresses of being unavailable for your close ones.

But remote work also has some challenges for managers, especially relating to insubordination. Without the usual office environment, it gets tough to analyze an employee’s behavior and level of commitment, which may lead to errors of judgment and conflicts.

So, what’s the way forward for handling insubordination in remote settings, helping to keep their teams connected and productive?

Insubordination Issues With Work-From-Home

When employees work in an office, it’s usually clear when someone isn’t following instructions, and they can face consequences for it.

But in a remote work environment, it can be much harder for managers to determine if an employee is being insubordinate.

Some common challenges that arise are:

  • Dress code: Managers often find themselves unsure about whether it’s acceptable for employees to dress casually during video meetings.
  • Presence of Children: On the flip side, employees may wonder if it’s considered insubordination if their kids interrupt a meeting, especially when working from home.
  • Subletting Work: There’s also the question whether hiring someone else to complete a task before submitting it is a breach of discipline, particularly if it risks compromising company secrets.

It becomes open to dispute when an employee crosses the line without the usual signs of their physical presence.

Moreover, the consequences may be more severe if the insubordinate behavior isn’t addressed quickly and properly.

how to address insubordination when working from home

How To Address Insubordination In Remote Employees

Leaders should be proactive to create an environment where remote team members feel respected and valued. When employees feel appreciated and supported, they are less likely to insubordinate, and more likely to feel positive about their work and each other.

Here are some strategies:

1. Distinguish between insubordination and creative dissent

Insubordination and creative dissent can be difficult to distinguish in remote teams, as it can be hard to gauge the intentions behind an employee’s behavior.

  • Insubordination is defined as a willful disregard of authority and should be treated as a serious violation.
  • Creative dissent, on the other hand, is a constructive means of expressing disagreement while still respecting the authority of the team leader.

The two can have drastically different implications for the team’s effectiveness.

To effectively manage both situations, it is critical for team leaders to remain impartial and communicate clearly with their teams.

2. Establish and communicate expectations

Establishing and communicating expectations is a key part of managing any team, and it’s especially important for teams that work remotely.

Remote teams need to fully understand what is expected of them, and that understanding needs to be communicated clearly and unequivocal.

This will help minimize misunderstandings and miscommunication, and ensure that everyone on the team is on the same page when it comes to what needs to be done.

To ensure that everyone is on the same page, the team should set and discuss expectations as part of a discussion about the team’s goals and individual roles and responsibilities.

They should also clearly outline the expectations and review them at intervals to ensure that every member is aware of their duties and responsibilities.

3. Establish clear processes to deal with insubordination

Establishing clear processes to deal with insubordination is essential to maintain order and respect in your remote team.

Make sure your team understands the consequences of failing to follow the agreed-upon processes.

If necessary, consult a legal or ethical team, and email everyone a copy of the corporate policy book on insubordination in remote teams.

Make sure to maintain a record of all instances of insubordination, including what, who, when, and where, as well as any steps that were taken in response.

Finally, consider setting up a formal review process for all instances of insubordination.

This will ensure that everyone is aware of the expectations and consequences of insubordination and that it can be managed effectively.

4. Utilize the power of positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective technique to deal with insubordination in remote teams.

Remote teams are more disconnected from the traditional corporate structure, and positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool to encourage and motivate employees.

You can, for example, offer extra vacation days, financial bonuses, or recognition for good performance.

Giving positive feedback and recognizing accomplishments can foster a culture of accountability and help remote employees to stay on track.

It’s important that these rewards and recognition are given out evenly and fairly, and that team members are held to the same standards of behavior and expectations.

5. Leverage technology to facilitate better communication

To prevent the issue of insubordination in remote teams, use technology to facilitate better communication.

This could include using tools such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and even virtual whiteboards to help team members connect and stay in sync.

Providing team members with access to project management tools and task-tracking systems can help them stay organized and on task.

By leveraging technology, remote teams can better communicate, stay organized, and avoid insubordination.

However, make sure to not demean anyone publicly or castigate them before the other members of the team. First, sort it out with them at a personal level—pick up the phone and talk to them.

Final Words

Dealing with insubordination in a remote team requires a well-rounded approach. Managers need to ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities clearly.

Regular communication is key—frequent check-ins and open discussions can help keep everyone on the same page.

Providing constructive feedback is essential, as it allows team members to understand expectations and improve their performance.

Additionally, fostering a collaborative atmosphere where everyone feels they can contribute and work well together is crucial.

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