Category: Happiness & Wellbeing
Money can increase your happiness, but how can you spend it the right way to maximize your happiness? Find out what the research says.
People with an optimistic view have better mental health than pessimists. But, is optimism always the great motivator that we think it is?
Get your brain to stay sharp, lucid, and energetic by eating these ten brain foods, exercising and sleeping well, and adopting these expert tips from experts.
Usually, a glass-half-full type of person is an optimist. They interpret things with a positive mindset. Their hallmark attitude is one of optimism and hope.
The full form of CBT in psychology is Cognitive Behavior Therapy. CBT is a specific mental health therapy technique that focuses on identifying and changing the negative thoughts, beliefs, …
Criticisms attack our ego faster and harder than we imagine. We can all be sensitive to criticism if it only came from the ‘right’ person. Many who insist words …
To live like an Epicurean means learning how to maximize pleasure and minimize pain. The Epicureans are hedonistic consequentialists. For them, the ethical value of any action lay in …
Movement, physical activity, and play are essential for our physical and intellectual development. Positive Movement can boost our health, happiness, and well-being at every age.
Aging is a result of a horde of causes that work in synergy. At the cellular and molecular level, some causes are oxidative stress, glycation, telomere shortening, side reactions, …
A single 20-minute session of exercise can reverse feelings of fatigue, confusion, and gloom. Find out 9 science-backed mood benefits of exercise.
To perform at optimum best, you need a little stress in your life. The idea is to not feel stressed out. So, here are 8 tips for living a …
Piaget's theory suggests children go through four stages of cognitive development in order to be able to understand the world.
However bad your today is, you can make your tomorrow better. Six scientific + 1 philosophic strategies for a brighter tomorrow.
Learn expressive writing therapy, a time-tested, proven technique to heal from post-traumatic stress. Write this way about past trauma to find your peace.
You want your children happy, wishing they grow into happier, successful, responsible adults. A 7-point helpful guide to ensure your child's happiness, and yours.
How to increase your happiness using psychology? Here are 20 science-backed strategies to boost your day-to-day happiness. Start living a happier life today.
Traveling makes us happier by letting us break our routines, satisfy our wanderlust, try new experiences, deepen our relationships, and create fond memories.
Discover Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy to find happiness in your personal and professional life. Find your purpose, live with passion, achieve fulfillment.
Childhood stress can alter the brain chemistry permanently and irreversibly. These children then show a myriad of mental health issues as adults.
Your immunity system is replicated by your lifestyle and psychological wellness. Based on scientific researches, here are two quick happiness tips for stronger immunity.
A big of your happiness comes from your freedom to choose your life's direction. This means you're better off setting your own happiness goals.
Looking to improve your outlook on life? Try these 5 practical tips today to reframe negativity and be more optimistic. Boost your happiness and well-being.
We know when you pursue happiness, it makes you unhappy. Then how can you do better to increase your happiness? Why can't happiness be the ultimate goal?
We can easily learn how to calm the vagus nerve and feel relaxed. Also called the “wandering nerve,” the vagus can reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure.
Happiness is more than feeling cheerful in the moment. It's also about our values and strengths. Learn from the world's best ten happiness talks.