— By Dr. Sandip Roy.
Mindfulness increases self-awareness, fulfillment, and happiness. This is our resource page on mindfulness. Find the definitions and articles below.
Mindfulness: Definitions
Mindfulness is a moment-by-moment awareness of ourselves and the world around us.
Though it is not a modern invention. Modern science has confirmed the effectiveness of mindfulness on our psychological health. For one, mindfulness training can reduce our flight-or-fright stress response.
When done right, mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, minimize the time we spend remaining overwhelmed, and help us appreciate every little moment as and when it happens.
- Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. When you’re mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience. — Psychology Today
- Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future. — Greater Good
- Mindfulness involves a series of attention-training practices and cognitive strategies that can help you unhook from unproductive thought patterns and behaviors. It involves learning to pay attention to the present moment rather than worrying or dwelling in the past. It also involves developing an attitude of friendliness toward yourself, as opposed to criticism or judgement. — Monash University

Mindfulness Archive
Find below a list of our articles on mindfulness:
- Mindfulness Meditation And Its 3 Big Sensibilities
- Mindfulness In 7 Steps (Beginner’s Guide)
- Mindful Eating: 20 Finest Tips!
- 8 Practical Ways To Stop Eating Mindlessly
- Mindfulness in Motherhood: The Mindful Mother
- 5 Best Mindfulness Books For Issue-Specific Results
- Simplified ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)
- How To Overcome Low Self-Esteem With Mindfulness
- Using Mindfulness To Overcome Procrastination
- How To Stop Overthinking With Mindfulness
- How To Have More Self-Compassion
Check out The 3 Good Things Happiness Exercise: