Category: Positive Psychology
Awe means a heady brew of fear, admiration, delight, and surprise. In presence of awe, you're afraid, and still, you stand to devour its thrill.
Martin Seligman gave the world its first happiness formula: H=S+C+V. H is the sum of three factors: your happiness set-point (S), your life circumstances (C), and things you do …
Discover how to overcome Facebook envy and embrace a more fulfilling digital journey. Uncover surprising facts to keep your peace.
Here's how to never lose hope, and the scientific technique to get it back into your life: 1. Goals 2. Pathways 3. Agency
What is hope in positive psychology, and what are its benefits on your psychological and physical health? Can hope as therapy help you live life to the fullest?
In many ways, the secret to happiness is to learn to get flow from almost everything we do, including work and family. So, how to find the flow state at will?