Discover The Ultimate 50 Negative Emotions List

Reading time: 15 minutes

Labeling feelings properly is vital for our emotional well-being. This comprehensive negative emotions list will help you name and handle your dark emotions better.

Do you realize that you can’t experience a negative emotion as a single, isolated feeling?

We cannot feel just one emotion at a time, especially when it’s a negative one. There are always other feelings mixed in.

  • Anger often goes hand in hand with frustration, restlessness, and disappointment.
  • Sadness is often accompanied by emotional pain, confusion, anxiety, and fear.
  • Fear frequently coexists with stress, uncertainty, and a sense of dread.

We will discuss these emotion-pairs later. First, why do we need a negative emotions list?


Why Do We Need A Negative Emotions List

We need a negative emotions list so that we can ask ourselves, “What exactly am I feeling right now?” and label them.

We need to label our emotions because:

  • When we can put a name to what we are feeling, it helps us to make sense of our emotional experience, especially helpful when we are feeling complex or mixed emotions.
  • Once we understand what we are feeling, we can develop strategies for managing our emotions in a healthy way. For example, we take some deep breaths when we’re feeling angry.
  • When we can accurately label our emotions, we can better communicate them to others, which is helpful in our relationships, at work, and in other areas of our lives.
Negative emotions list

5 Basic Negative Emotions

The 5 basic negative emotions are:

1. Anger, 2. Disgust, 3. Fear, 4. Contempt, 5. Sadness

The Ultimate 50 Negative Emotions List

Here is a list of 50 negative emotions:

  1. Abandonment: Feeling deserted or left behind.
  2. Alienation: Feeling isolated, disconnected, or estranged.
  3. Annoyance: State of being irritated or disturbed.
  4. Anger: Strong feeling of displeasure, hostility, or antagonism.
  5. Anxiety: Worried, uneasy, or nervous.
  6. Apprehensiveness: Anxious about the future.
  7. Bitterness: Resentful or cynical.
  8. Boredom: Uninterested or wearied.
  9. Cheapness: Worthless or insignificant.
  10. Concerned: Troubled or worried.
  11. Confusion: Disoriented or unclear.
  12. Contempt: State of being despised or dishonored.
  13. Despondency: In low spirits from loss of hope.
  14. Disappointment: Upset with unmet expectations.
  15. Discouragement: Lack of confidence or enthusiasm.
  16. Disgust: Strong revulsion or profound indignation.
  17. Doubtfulness: Uncertain or undecided.
  18. Embarrassment: Awkwardness due to being self-conscious.
  19. Envy: Wanting what someone else has.
  20. Fear: An unpleasant emotion caused by a threat.
  21. Flustered: Agitated or confused.
  22. Foolishness: Lacking good sense or judgment.
  23. Frustration: Upset or annoyed due to the inability to change something.
  24. Fury: Wild or violent anger.
  25. Grief: Intense sorrow, especially from loss.
  26. Helplessness: Unable to defend oneself or to act without help.
  27. Hesitancy: Tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.
  28. Hopelessness: Despair due to lack of hope or confidence.
  29. Hurt: Injured or pained mentally/emotionally.
  30. Inadequacy: Insufficient for a purpose.
  31. Insecurity: Uncertain or anxious about oneself.
  32. Jealousy: Fear of losing something owned.
  33. Loneliness: Solitude or isolation.
  34. Melancholy: A feeling of pensive sadness.
  35. Miserableness: Wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.
  36. Nervousness: Agitated or alarmed.
  37. Neglect: Ignored or disregarded.
  38. Oppressiveness: Burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical.
  39. Pessimism: Tendency to see the worst in situations.
  40. Rage: Violent, uncontrollable anger.
  41. Rejection: Dismissed or rebuffed.
  42. Resentment: Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
  43. Sadness: Sorrowful or downcast.
  44. Self-consciousness: Excessive awareness of one’s self.
  45. Setback: A reversal or check in progress.
  46. Shame: A painful feeling of humiliation.
  47. Suspicion: A feeling of mistrust.
  48. Unhappiness: Not satisfied or content.
  49. Violation: The action of violating someone or something.
  50. Worthlessness: Having no real value or use.

10 Pairs of Negative Emotions

Most of the time, some negative emotions will occur together.

Even when we try to focus on one negative emotion in a situation, many others come in. We simply cannot pick a single negative emotion to occur to us in a situation.

  1. Fear & Anxiety: Fear is a response to an immediate threat, while anxiety is fear of the future or the unknown. They often occur together when an individual is in a threatening situation or anticipates one.
  2. Anger & Frustration: Frustration can arise when we are blocked from achieving a goal, which can lead to anger.
  3. Sadness & Despair: Sadness is a natural response to something that happens outside of our control. Prolonged sadness can turn into despair, especially when the individual feels they’ve lost all hope.
  4. Sorrow & Grief: These emotions are associated with loss. Sorrow is deep distress, sadness, or regret, especially for the loss of someone or something loved. Grief is a deeper and more prolonged emotional response to loss.
  5. Shame & Guilt: Both emotions can occur when an individual does something wrong. Guilt is the feeling of having done something wrong, while shame is a feeling that one’s entire self is bad or worthless.
  6. Jealousy & Envy: Jealousy involves a fear of losing something or someone you value to another person, while envy is a desire to possess something that someone else has. Jealousy is a three-person situation (you, the person you feel is a threat, and the person or thing you’re afraid of losing). Envy is a two-person situation (you and the person who has something you desire).
  7. Bitterness & Resentment: Bitterness is a prolonged, intense negative emotion, often due to perceived unfair treatment. It can give rise to resentment, a feeling of indignant displeasure, or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury.
  8. Disgust & Contempt: Disgust is typically associated with things that are perceived as unclean, inedible, or infectious. Whereas contempt is a pattern of attitudes and behavior, often towards an individual or group, but sometimes towards an ideology, which has the characteristics of disgust and anger.
  9. Disappointment & Regret: Disappointment often arises when expectations or hopes are not met. This can also lead to feelings of regret over actions taken or not taken that might have influenced the outcome.
  10. Worry & Doubt: Worry can be triggered by uncertainty about future outcomes. This uncertainty may also generate feelings of doubt, especially regarding one’s ability to handle potential problems or challenges.

Did you know that narcissists often feel constantly angry because they feel they’re not being shown the respect they deserve?

Decoding The Purpose of Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are an inevitable part of the human experience.

They can vary in intensity, from mild discomfort to strong feelings like fear, anger, and sadness. But their role in our lives is not merely to cause distress.

They help us survive life’s challenges.

They act as an internal alarm system, alerting us to potential harm and distress. They can trigger physical sensations like tension, tightness, or discomfort.

Fear, anger, sadness, contempt, envy, jealousy, guilt, shame, and anxiety, are useful reactions to perceived threats or unpleasant situations.

For example, fear can deter us from danger, anger can spur action, and sadness can help process loss.

Life’s emotional landscape would be incomplete without negative emotions. We may not fully appreciate the bright emotions without experiencing the dark ones.

However, if negative emotions persist for long periods, they can overwhelm our life balance.

This is where positive psychology helps, guiding us toward fostering positive emotional states and improving our overall well-being.

Physical Responses to Negative Emotions

Negative emotions can have a profound impact on our physical well-being. When we experience negative emotions, our body responds in a variety of ways.

Fight-or-Flight Response

The fight-or-flight response is a natural and automatic response that occurs when we perceive a threat or danger. This response prepares our body to either fight the threat or run away from it.

When we experience negative emotions, our body can trigger the fight-or-flight response, even if there is no immediate physical danger.

During this response, our body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. They increase our heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rate. They also cause our muscles to tense up and our senses to become more alert.

While the fight-or-flight response is helpful in many situations, prolonged activation of this response can have negative effects on our health.

Impact On Physical Health

The physical responses to negative emotions can have a significant impact on our health.

Prolonged activation of the fight or flight response can increase our risk of developing health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

It can also weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to infections and illnesses.

Negative emotions can also impact our mental health. They can lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression, which can further exacerbate physical health problems.

Some strategies for managing negative emotions and their physical responses include:

  • Engaging in physical activity such as exercise or sports
  • Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional
  • Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga
  • Avoiding alcohol and drugs, which can exacerbate negative emotions and their physical effects

Psychological Aspects of Negative Emotions

Negative emotions can have a significant impact on our lives. They can affect our thinking and behavior, leading to a range of psychological issues.


Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide.

It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable.

Depression can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite, and sleep disturbances.

Psychologists have identified several factors that can contribute to depression, including genetic predisposition, life events, and chemical imbalances in the brain.

Negative thinking patterns, such as rumination and self-blame, can also contribute to the development of depression.


Loneliness is not the same as solitude. Loneliness is a mental state that can result from, and lead to, negative feelings.

It is the feeling of being disconnected from others and can be experienced even when surrounded by people.

Loneliness can lead to a range of physical and mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

Psychologists have identified several factors that can contribute to loneliness, including social isolation, lack of social skills, and negative thinking patterns.

Those who experience loneliness may benefit from seeking social support, engaging in social activities, and practicing positive thinking habits.

Managing Negative Emotions

Negative emotions can sometimes overwhelm and affect our well-being and our ability to function in our daily lives.

Since experiencing negative emotions is a normal part of being human, it is how we manage these uncomfortable that can make all the difference.

Acceptance: At times, it may be helpful to simply acknowledge and accept negative emotions as a neutral part of our experience.

This can help us avoid getting caught up in a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore negative emotions, we can acknowledge them and then move on.

Identification: Another strategy for managing negative emotions is to identify the source of the emotion and take action to address it.

For example, if we are feeling anxious about an upcoming event, we can take steps to prepare for the event and reduce our anxiety. This can include practicing relaxation techniques or seeking support from a trusted friend or professional.

Coping Strategies: It can also be helpful to develop a list of coping strategies that work for us when we are experiencing negative emotions. This can include activities such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.

By having a variety of coping strategies, we can choose the one that feels most effective in the moment.

Role of Positive Emotions

Positive emotions make us feel good, help us cope with stress and adversity, and make us more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as exercising, eating healthily, and getting enough sleep.

  1. Joy: This is a feeling of intense happiness and pleasure, often associated with positive life events such as the birth of a child, a wedding, or graduation. It brings a sense of elation and excitement that can last for hours or even days.
  2. Trust: An essential emotion for our well-being. Trusting others gives us a sense of safety and security. It promotes close relationships, open communication, and teamwork, particularly in the workplace.
  3. Love: Perhaps the most powerful positive emotion. Love denotes a deep connection and affection for someone, bringing immense happiness and fulfillment. Despite its complexities, love is an essential part of the human experience.
  4. Happiness: Often associated with life satisfaction and well-being. It’s a sense of contentment and fulfillment, achieved through various means like spending time with loved ones, pursuing passions, and practicing gratitude.
  5. Contentment: This emotion implies a feeling of satisfaction and ease. It manifests as a sense of peace with oneself and the surroundings, achieved by focusing on the present moment, practicing mindfulness, and cultivating gratitude.
  6. Relief: Experienced after a period of stress or anxiety, relief brings a sense of release and relaxation. It can be achieved through exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.
  7. Amusement: A feeling of enjoyment and entertainment, bringing a sense of lightness and humor. It can be achieved by engaging in playful activities, like watching a funny movie or playing a game with friends.
  8. Excitement: Often associated with anticipation and adventure, excitement brings a sense of energy and enthusiasm. It can be achieved by trying new things, taking risks, and pursuing passions.
  9. Satisfaction: A feeling of fulfillment and accomplishment, satisfaction brings a sense of pride and achievement. It can be achieved by setting and achieving goals, helping others, and pursuing meaningful work.


  1. What are some common negative emotions?

    Negative emotions are feelings that are unpleasant or distressing. Some common negative emotions include anger, anxiety, sadness, frustration, loneliness, guilt, and shame. These emotions can arise from a variety of situations, such as conflicts with others, disappointment, loss, or failure.

  2. How do negative emotions affect our daily lives?

    Negative emotions can have a significant impact on our daily lives. They can affect our mood, behavior, and physical health. For example, prolonged negative emotions can lead to stress, which can cause headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue. Negative emotions can also affect our relationships with others, making it difficult to communicate effectively and maintain healthy connections.

  3. What are some strategies for coping with negative emotions?

    One effective strategy to cope with negative emotions is to practice mindfulness, which involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Other strategies include talking to a trusted friend or therapist, engaging in positive self-talk, engaging in physical activity, practicing relaxation techniques, and engaging in activities that bring us joy. Yet another way is to practice self-compassion. This involves treating ourselves with kindness and understanding, rather than self-criticism. Another helpful way is practicing gratitude.

  4. What are the long-term effects of harboring negative emotions?

    Harboring negative emotions over a long period of time can have negative effects on our mental and physical health. For example, chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems. Negative emotions can also lead to depression and anxiety, which can impact our quality of life and ability to function effectively.

  5. How can negative emotions impact our relationships?

    Negative emotions can impact our relationships with others in several ways. For example, they can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as a lack of trust and intimacy. Negative emotions can also make it difficult to communicate effectively and maintain healthy connections with others. It is important to recognize and address negative emotions in order to maintain healthy relationships.

What are emotions?

“Emotions are a process, a particular kind of automatic appraisal influenced by our evolutionary and personal past, in which we sense that something important to our welfare is occurring, and a set of psychological changes and emotional behaviors begins to deal with the situation.” – Paul Ekman, PhD

Emotions keep us ready to deal with key events in our life. We experience them instantly, without having to think about them. Also, we do not get to pick the emotions we feel.

Experiences are the essential ingredients behind our emotions. We can use hundreds, if not thousands, of words to describe even our most fleeting experiences. Since each of us has countless shades of personal experiences, we also have a rich spectrum of emotional states.

How many emotions are there?

  • According to Paul Ekman, we have 7 basic emotions.
  • According to Cowen and Keltner, we have 27 distinct categories of human emotion.

According to Paul Ekman, a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions, there are seven basic emotions.

Around the 1970s, Ekman found that we experience seven universal emotions out of all human emotions. Transcending language, regional, cultural, and ethnic differences, these basic 7 emotions are:

1. Anger, 2. Disgust, 3. Fear, 4. Contempt, 5. Sadness, 6. Happiness, 7. Surprise.

However, according to a 2017 study by Alan Cowen and Dacher Keltner, we experience many more basic emotions than Ekman thought. The researchers defined 27 distinct types of emotion in a report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences:

  1. Admiration
  2. Adoration
  3. Aesthetic Appreciation
  4. Amusement
  5. Anxiety
  6. Awe
  7. Awkwardness
  8. Boredom
  9. Calmness
  10. Confusion
  11. Craving
  12. Disgust
  13. Empathic Pain
  14. Entrancement
  15. Envy
  16. Excitement
  17. Fear
  18. Horror
  19. Interest
  20. Joy
  21. Nostalgia
  22. Romance
  23. Sadness
  24. Satisfaction
  25. Sexual Desire
  26. Sympathy
  27. Triumph

Final Words

Negative emotions make us uncomfortable, but we purposely acquired them during evolution.

We need to accept and cope with our negative emotions, not ignore or avoid them.

Key Takeaways

  • Negative emotions are a normal part of the human experience and can range from mild discomfort to intense emotions like anger, fear, and sadness.
  • Understanding and managing negative emotions can help us navigate life’s challenges and improve our overall well-being.
  • By learning how to manage negative emotions and cultivate positive emotions, we can promote emotional well-being and live more fulfilling lives.

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Author Bio: Researched and reviewed by Dr. Sandip Roy — a medical doctor and psychology writer, with a unique focus on mental well-being, positive psychology, narcissism, and Stoicism. His empathic expertise has helped many mental abuse survivors find happiness again. Co-author of ‘Critique of Positive Psychology and Positive Interventions’.

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