Are you curious about your psychopathic tendencies? Take this test to find out. Please note that this test is for adults and is not intended to be diagnostic.
Post-breakup loneliness can be strange. You may feel like you can never meet anyone again. And also, like rushing out into a revenge romance. How to handle it?
Goals have classes. Their class can explain why a person chooses or acts the way they do. Did they want to avoid boredom, get aroused, or build a relationship?
Discover your perceived happiness and overall life satisfaction. Take the Fordyce Emotion Questionnaire, or the Happiness Measures, to gauge your well-being.
Take the Satisfaction With Life psychometric test to find out how content you feel about your whole life. Get your score and advice on what to do next.
Psychological flexibility is our mental ability to adapt to tough and stressful situations. Flexible people are happier. Here are some ways to have more of it.