25 Questions To Ask Your Ex In A Closure Conversation

Reading time: 15 minutes

One vital step to moving on after a breakup is to have a closure-conversation with your ex.

We go through breakups with a lot of unresolved questions on our minds. It can be so hard to decide whether to stay on or move on when you don’t have closure.

Closure is the process of finding resolution and emotional peace after a relationship ends. It helps remove future uncertainty and find answers to what went wrong.

If you’re looking to have an open and honest closure conversation with your ex, you may be wondering where to start. You have to ask the right questions in a closure talk.

We pick the 25 most essential questions to ask your ex after a breakup.

Before we dive in, did you realize that the corporate version of a closure conversation is an “exit interview” after being let go from a job?

What To Say In A Closure Conversation: 25 Questions To Ask

What is a closure conversation?

A closure conversation is a crucial dialogue to end the relationship on an unambiguous note. It discusses what went wrong in the relationship. It helps us understand how to move forward, grow, and emotionally heal.

25 Questions to ask your ex in a closure conversation

A closure conversation should only happen once, so it’s helpful to go in with a list of closure questions.

Having a set of key questions can steer the dialogue, keep it from becoming too overwhelming, and help you gain closure for yourself.

Here are 25 questions to ask/answer in a relationship closure conversation:

5 Questions to Understand The Past

  1. What were some of the best memories you have of our relationship?
  2. What were some of the worst memories you have of our relationship?
  3. What were some of the things that attracted you to me in the first place?
  4. What were some of the things that caused problems in our relationship?
  5. What did you learn from our relationship and the breakup?

5 Questions to Gain Perspective

  1. How did our relationship impact you, and how do you think it impacted me?
  2. What could we have done differently to make our relationship work?
  3. What was the first thing I did that made you think I was not a good partner for you?
  4. Do you think we were compatible in the long run?
  5. Do you think we were both equally invested in the relationship?

5 Questions to Seek Closure

  1. What do you think was the main reason for our breakup?
  2. Is there anything you regret not doing or saying when we were together?
  3. Is there anything you wish you could have said or done differently?
  4. How do you feel about the idea of us being friends in the future?
  5. Is there anything you want to say to me to help us both move on?

5 Questions to Understand Their Feelings

  1. How did you feel when we started dating, and do you now regret it?
  2. How did you feel when we started having problems in our relationship?
  3. How did you feel when we decided to break up?
  4. How do you feel about me now?
  5. How often do you think about our relationship?

5 Questions to Move Forward

  1. What are your plans for the future? How will our breakup affect our mutual friends or relations?
  2. What has been going on in your life since we broke up? Are you seeing anyone else right now?
  3. Have you learned anything from our relationship that you will take into your future relationships?
  4. What do you think you need to work on to have a successful relationship in the future?
  5. Do you think you would ever consider getting back together in the future?

Are Closure Conversations Helpful?

Yes, from a practical point of view, closure conversations can be helpful. They help people understand what caused the breakdown, let them express their feelings, and help them move on.

Closure helps process the grief of a breakup, and allows us to move on from a relationship.

It is the process of coming to terms with the end of a relationship and finding inner peace. Closure helps us gain clarity about what went wrong and what we can do differently in the future.

However, its effectiveness often depends on the readiness and emotional state of the persons involved, as well as the manner in which the conversation is conducted.

If one is defensive in answering the questions, feeling afraid of the other, or giving false or scant replies, it may not work.

So, each must approach the conversation with an open mind and heart, and be prepared to listen to their ex’s answers without judgment.

Psychology of High Need For Closure

The “need for cognitive closure” is a psychological concept that explains why people seek closure. It refers to the desire for a definite answer to a question or situation.

The term “Need for Closure” was introduced by social psychologists Arie Kruglanski and Donna Webster in the 1990s. They developed the “Need for Closure” scale to measure a person’s desire for a firm answer to a question and an aversion toward ambiguity.

This concept is used in social and cognitive psychology to explain how individuals deal with information processing in uncertain situations. The need for closure exists on a spectrum, and individuals can fall anywhere along this spectrum.

People with a high need for closure seek quick, definitive answers to questions and situations. They prefer certainty and clear-cut decisions, and are uncomfortable with ambiguity or uncertainty.

This high need can be driven by a desire for structure, order, and predictability in their lives.

Here are some characteristics of people with a high need for closure:

  1. Preference for Order and Predictability: They prefer situations, environments, and relationships that are predictable and well-structured. They like to have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
  2. Discomfort with Ambiguity: They tend to be uncomfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty. They prefer clear, definitive answers and may become anxious or uncomfortable when things are left open-ended.
  3. Quick Decision Making: They tend to make decisions quickly to reduce the uncertainty or ambiguity they are experiencing. They may also stick to their decisions once made, even in the face of new information.
  4. Closed-Mindedness: In some cases, a high need for closure can lead to closed-mindedness. These individuals may be less open to new ideas or perspectives that challenge their existing beliefs or decisions.
  5. Focus on Task Completion: They often have a strong focus on completing tasks and achieving closure on projects. They may become frustrated with delays or changes in plans.
  6. Avoidance of Complex Situations: They may avoid complex situations or problems that require a lot of thought and do not have a clear, immediate solution.

However, a high need for closure is not inherently negative and can lead to efficiency and decisiveness.

Still, it can also lead to hasty decision-making, stereotyping, and resistance to change when taken to an extreme.

Preparing For The Closure Conversation

Understanding how to ask for closure in a relationship is a crucial step in the healing process.

You may find yourself in a situation where he broke up with you, but wants closure from you. In such cases, knowing how to give closure in a relationship becomes essential.

Do note that it’s okay to get closure from your ex while in a relationship, as long as it’s done respectfully and with the knowledge of your current partner.

Emotional Preparedness

  • Assess your emotional state: Recognize if you’re ready to face potentially intense emotions that can arise during a closure conversation.
  • Reflect on the relationship: Spend time thinking about your feelings regarding the relationship and its end.
  • Process your emotions: Use methods such as journaling, meditation, or therapy to help process your emotions.
  • Seek support: Talk with a trusted friend or therapist about your feelings to gain perspective and emotional support.
  • Achieve emotional stability: Aim to reach a calm, centered headspace to approach the conversation with clarity and emotional stability.
  • Be patient with yourself: Understand that it’s okay to take time to prepare emotionally before diving into a closure conversation.

Setting The Right Environment

  • Choose a quiet space: Find a proper place to discuss your breakup. Choose a peaceful, relatively silent, and uncrowded environment, where you won’t be interrupted or distracted.
  • Prioritize privacy: Make sure the chosen place provides enough privacy for a personal conversation.
  • Consider a neutral location: To avoid emotional triggers, consider meeting in a neutral place like a park or coffee shop.
  • Allocate enough time: Make sure you have plenty of time for the conversation, so it doesn’t feel rushed.
  • Avoid interruptions: Ensure that you won’t be interrupted during the conversation for a thorough and unhurried discussion.
  • Focus on the conversation: Avoid distractions, especially from your mobile phone. to allow both you and your ex to focus entirely on your closure conversation.

Preparing Your Questions

  • Create a list of questions: Prepare a list of questions that cover the areas where you seek understanding or closure.
  • Be flexible: Be open to the conversation taking unexpected turns and be ready to adapt your questions accordingly.
  • Foster a dialogue: The discussion should be a dialogue, not an interrogation, so be prepared to listen and respond to what your ex has to say.
  • Maintain a non-judgmental attitude: Approach the conversation with a curious, non-judgmental attitude, aiming to understand rather than confront or accuse.
  • Seek understanding: The goal of your questions should be to gain understanding and closure, not to assign blame or rehash old arguments.

Using Open-Ended Questions

  • Use open-ended questions: Phrase your questions in a way that encourages your ex to share their thoughts and feelings.
  • Avoid accusatory questions: Instead of asking potentially confrontational questions like “Did you cheat on me?”, opt for more neutral inquiries.
  • Encourage reflection: Ask questions that encourage your ex to reflect on their own behavior, such as “What led to the breakdown of our relationship?”.
  • Aim for productive conversation: The goal of your questions should be to foster a productive, insightful conversation, not to provoke defensive responses.
  • Influence the tone: Be mindful that the way you phrase your questions can significantly influence the tone of the conversation and the quality of the responses you receive.

Managing Expectations

  • Approach with realistic expectations: Understand that closure conversations don’t always provide the closure we’re looking for.
  • Be open-minded: You may not get all the answers you’re seeking, or the answers you receive may not be what you hoped for. Keep an open mind throughout the process.
  • Acceptance: Be willing to accept whatever closure you’re able to find, even if it’s not the complete closure you were hoping for.
  • Focus on understanding: Remember, the goal is to gain a better understanding of the past relationship and to help you move forward.
  • Not about resolution: Understand that the conversation is not necessarily to resolve all issues or mend the relationship, but to find a sense of closure and peace.

Reflecting On The Closure Conversation

Record the closure conversation or take notes. It can help you reflect on the conversation and the answers you received.

  • Process the experience: After the conversation, take some time to process your thoughts and feelings. Reflect on the experience and the range of emotions it may have brought up.
  • Respect and understanding: During the conversation, ensure you respected each other’s feelings and perspectives. This was an opportunity to express your thoughts in a respectful and non-judgmental way.
  • Evaluate the conversation: Reflect on the questions you asked and the answers you received. Consider whether you achieved the closure you were seeking and note any surprises or unexpected revelations.
  • Understand closure as a process: Remember that closure is not a one-time event but a process that may require multiple conversations or periods of reflection.
  • Be patient: Be patient with yourself throughout this process. Healing takes time and it’s important to trust the process.
  • Move forward: Use the reflection process as a means to move forward with a sense of closure and understanding.

In some cases, you might need to figure out how to get closure with an ex without contact.

You can achieve this by reflecting on the relationship, acknowledging your feelings, and finding peace within yourself.

Find out How To Get Closure From A Toxic Relationship.

Moving Forward After Closure

Once you’ve got closure from your ex, you might wonder, “Now what?” The answer lies in using that closure to move forward and grow personally.

The main purpose of closure is to focus on moving forward.

Here are some tips on what to do after the closure:

  • Take care of yourself: Self-care is crucial after a breakup. Make sure you are taking care of your physical and emotional needs. This can include things like exercise, healthy eating, and spending time with loved ones.
  • Focus on personal growth: Use this time to focus on personal growth. This could mean taking up a new hobby, learning a new skill, or setting new goals for yourself.
  • Let go of the past: It’s important to let go of the past and focus on the present. Don’t dwell on what could have been or what went wrong in the relationship. Instead, focus on what you can do to improve your life moving forward.
  • Set boundaries: If you and your ex decide to remain friends, it’s important to set boundaries. Make sure you are both on the same page about what is and isn’t appropriate in your new relationship.
  • Take things slow: It’s okay to take things slow after a breakup. Don’t rush into a new relationship or make any big life decisions until you are ready.

Remember, achieving closure is just the first step in moving on after a breakup. Take the time you need to heal and focus on yourself. With time, you will be able to move forward and find happiness again.


  1. What do you say in a closure message?

    These are a few things you could say as a closure goodbye message:
    “Despite the challenges we faced, I learned a lot from our relationship and I’m grateful for the memories we created.”
    “I think it’s important for both of us to move forward, and having this conversation has helped both of us do that.”
    “I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope you find happiness and fulfillment.”
    “Let’s remember the good times we had, learn from the difficulties, and use these experiences to grow as individuals.”

  2. What would you have done differently?

    Asking them what they would have done differently in the relationship can help you understand their perspective on what went wrong and what they think could have been improved. It can also help you gain closure by knowing that they have reflected on the relationship and have learned from their mistakes.

  3. Do you have any regrets?

    This question can help you understand if they have any unresolved feelings or if they have come to terms with the end of the relationship. It can also help you gain closure by knowing that they have accepted the past and are ready to move on.

  4. What was your favorite memory of us?

    Asking this can help you reminisce about the good times and can help you remember why you fell in love in the first place. It can also help you gain closure by knowing that they have positive memories of the relationship.

  5. What did you learn about relationships from our time together?

    It helps you understand their perspective on what makes a successful relationship. It can also help you reflect on your own growth and what you have learned from the relationship.

  6. What are your hopes for the future?

    Asking this is crucial as it helps you understand where they are at in their life, what their priorities are, and where you fit in (probably no more than a memory). It can also help you gain closure by knowing that they have a positive outlook on the future and are ready to move on to other relationships. (Or, if they are a toxic narcissist, are they planning to stalk or hoover you.)

  7. What did you learn about yourself in our relationship?

    Asking your ex what they learned about themselves in the relationship can be a great way to gain insight into their personal growth and self-awareness. It can also help you understand what they value in a partner and what they need in a relationship.

Final Words

A closure is not about getting back together, assigning blame to each other, or asserting who made the bigger sacrifices. It’s about finding peace and moving forward without bitterness.

Thank your ex for being patient and letting you have time. If you feel there are still unresolved queries, tell them how long each of you might be available to answer them.

Allow yourself time to grieve the end of the relationship and process the closure. Open up space for new opportunities and experiences. Stay committed to your own well-being and growth, and trust that the future holds great things for you.

A closure conversation with your ex should help you leave with a sense of finality and acceptance. It can be particularly challenging if you’re seeking closure with an ex after years of separation.

Seek the guidance of a therapist or counselor if you feel too stressed to handle the breakup.

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Author Bio: Researched and reviewed by Dr. Sandip Roy — a medical doctor and psychology writer, with a unique focus on mental well-being, positive psychology, narcissism, and Stoicism. His empathic expertise has helped many mental abuse survivors find happiness again. Co-author of ‘Critique of Positive Psychology and Positive Interventions’.

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