Category: Mindfulness & Gratitude
Take your mindfulness game beyond the Raisin Exercise & Body Scan. Explore advanced techniques to deepen your practice and cultivate profound mindfulness experiences.
Descubre el poder de la arteterapia meditativa, un enfoque que une atención plena y creatividad para mejorar la salud mental y reducir el estrés.
Discover the power of meditative art therapy, a holistic approach that combines mindfulness and creative expression to improve mental health, promote self-discovery, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Can meditation help your ADHD symptoms? Can you meditate to improve your focus, stress, impulsiveness, and clarity of thought? Get this step-by-step guide.
Learn to stop breathing manually when feeling anxious with these 6 simple and practical tips. Achieve a more relaxed and mindful breathing pattern in seconds.
Learn from this 15-minute mindfulness meditation script. Presented in seven simple steps to help you quickly find inner peace and improve your well-being.
Gratitude can increase positive emotions, decrease negative emotions, and improve overall well-being. Here are 10 simple ways to practice gratitude every day.
Mindfulness meditation has many proven benefits, including being an easy way to reduce stress and increase passion and joy in your life.
This brief introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) will help you understand why it works and how you may use it to win the inner battle to heal …
Meditation is a beautifully simple practice, and in just 3 minutes, you may complete a session of mindfulness meditation in easy steps.
Mindfulness at work increases our awareness of our thoughts and feelings in the current moment and allows us to manage others without judging them.
Mindfulness meditation has been practiced around for over 2,500 years as a therapeutic tool to build awareness of the present moment without judgment. What does psychology say?
Practicing the R.A.I.N. method of mindfulness meditation can bring you peace and make you a closer friend to yourself. Learn how to do it the easy way.
ACT helps people be more aware of what they want out of life, and create the meaning and purpose of their existence.
Try writing mindfully for 100 days and come alive with new experiences. Feel your emotions more fully. Let in more peace into your life. Learn how.
How does mind-wandering affect our mood and performance? How to stop your mind from wandering? Learn all about why we can't seem to keep our minds where we are.
Mindfulness Para Niños: El mindfulness es un camino maravilloso de autoconocimiento y de profunda relajación. Es una habilidad que los niños pueden aprender.
Mindfulness meditation is settling down at a place devoid of physical interruptions to focus the mind on the present experiences, usually centered on awareness of the breathing process, with …
Psychologists have found a whole slew of benefits of your mind-wandering. Discover the three most life-changing ones you probably weren't aware of.
सरल भाषा में, जब आपके मन में विचार और भावनाएँ आती हैं, लेकिन आप उनके साथ बिना बहे उन्हे अपने मन में से होकर गुज़र जाने देते हैं, तो …
Learn how to improve your savoring skills and get more out of life. Try these six easy ways to boost your overall happiness and life-satisfaction.
The reason why gratitude is important in life is that it can help us be happier, cope better, and improve our social relationships.
Gratitude improves your happiness, health, and relationships. Here are 5 ways to practice gratitude in your daily life.
Here are 20 techniques to help you optimize your mindful eating process. Learn to approach each bite you take with curiosity, gratitude, and non-judgment.
Mindless eating is something you are so used to doing that you simply don't know how to avoid it. Here are tips to stop that.