Narcissistic Projection: Know It & Handle It (With Examples)

• Dec 14, 2024 • Read in ~12 mins

  • You: “I think you may have miscalculated the situation. So, we have this disaster to manage now.”
  • Narcissist: “You’re so selfish and arrogant! You think you’re better than me, so blame it on me.”
  • You: “I’m simply trying to be honest and authentic, not better than you.”
  • That second sentence is a typical narcissistic projection.

    The narcissist will project their negative qualities onto you, as if you were a movie theater screen. It’s their default. They will use this tactic with their family, work, and most of their relationships.

    • They will label you what they are — calling you selfish, empathyless, attention-seeking.
    • They will point fingers at you for their flaws and mistakes.

    But why?

    Read on to understand the psychology of narcissistic projection. Only then can you deal with it.

    What Is Narcissistic Projection?

    Narcissistic projection is a self-centered person’s act of casting (“projecting”) their own flaws and negative qualities onto others. This serves as a defense mechanism, shielding them from the emotional pain of being shown less than their superior self.

    In a simple sentence, narcissistic projection is the narcissist blaming others for their what’s wrong with themselves.

    what is Narcissistic Projection and how to handle it
    Photo by Liza Summer, Pexels

    In psychology, “projection” refers to the belief or assumption that other people have similar thoughts, attitudes, or experiences as oneself.

    So, when narcissists feel threatened or insecure, they tend to say, often unconsciously, that you have those of their negative qualities, emotions, or actions, making it seem as if you are the one at fault.

    This is a thing with narcissists:

    All good that happens is theirs to take credit, while all bad that occurs, even if it’s their own doing, is someone else’s fault.

    Why Do Narcissists Use Projection?

    But why do they project their flaws on others?

    Because it keeps their fragile self-image mirror unbroken. And lets them refuse responsibility for any mistake or failure that was their doing.

    • Narcissistic projection is like a defensive dog that sits guard at a narcissist’s inflated self-opinion.
    • It attacks everyone who tries to show the narcissist their imperfect and unworthy side.
    • It also lets them live guilt-free, and maintain their holier-than-thou image.

    When the blame-game gets obvious to you, your narcissist will try triggering you. So you lose your cool and act out your worst behavior.

    And then, they get to “prove” what an ill-tempered person you are, full of stubborn ideas or opinions.

    • Narcissists project their negatives to maintain their illusion of invincibility, infallibility, and grandiosity, which allows them to externalize their own faults and evade responsibility.
    • According to Baumeister & Dale, when people project their feelings or behaviors onto others, it may be an unintended result of their attempt to protect themselves from emotional pain or vulnerability.
    • Narcissists use projection as a defense mechanism to cope with threats to their low self-esteem.
    • Projecting their unacceptable parts onto others relieves the anxiety of owning those characteristics that they know are negative.
    • Shifting blame to others for their own weaknesses, mistakes, blunders, and issues lets them keep an upper hand and a sense of control in their relationships.

    Narcissistic projection is often a repetitive pattern. Once narcissists learn to use projection out of defensiveness, they start using it so habitually that it becomes a manipulation tool.

    How Narcissistic Projection Works

    Narcissistic projection initially serves as a means for narcissists to attribute their negative qualities, emotions, or behaviors to someone else, shielding their ego and self-image from damage.

    With time, this unconscious behavior often morphs into a calculated manipulative tactic, allowing them to deflect responsibility and uphold their faultlessness and infallibility.

    Increasingly, narcissists start blaming others for their own mistakes and failures, shifting blame to others when things go wrong, and accusing someone else of having traits that they possess.

    It allows them to avoid admitting their flaws, as doing so would jeopardize their meticulously crafted self-image.

    The insightful words of author Anaïs Nin capture perfectly the essence of projection:

    “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

    This quote poignantly illustrates how narcissists twist their perception of reality, viewing it through their own self-serving lens, and subsequently casting that image onto others.

    Sometimes, the narcissist may even accuse you of being a narcissist.

    Identifying Narcissistic Projection In Your Relationships

    In relationships, narcissists use narcissistic projection as a defense mechanism to protect their self-esteem and self-image. As no relationship is perfect, when issues arise, narcissists resort to this tactic to assume a holier-than-thou position and shift all blame onto others.

    To identify narcissistic projection in relationships, watch for these patterns:

    1. An “it’s not me, it’s you” mindset:

    A common theme in narcissistic projection is the “it’s not me, it’s you” mentality.

    A narcissist might blame their partner for feeling insecure in the relationship, while they themselves are insecure.

    This allows them to avoid confronting their own flaws and maintain an illusion of superiority.

    2. Exaggerated or unfounded accusations

    The narcissistic projection may manifest as accusing the other person of being envious or hypercritical, and then suggesting they are the cause of relationship issues.

    3. Overreacting to criticism and becoming defensive

    Narcissists may also project by becoming highly reactive and defensive when receiving feedback on their behavior or being asked to change their ways.

    They can react with inexplicable rage even if the feedback is well-intended and constructive.

    4. Persistent blame-shifting and evading responsibility

    A consistent sign of narcissistic projection is a pattern of blaming others for every problem in the relationship, even problems that were because of them.

    This goes hand in hand with refusing to take any responsibility for their actions or duties.

    7 Examples of Narcissistic Projection

    Read these examples to learn how to spot narcissistic projection, and stop blaming yourself for their wrongdoings.

    1. Accusing others of being selfish: Narcissists may accuse others of selfishness, while completely disregarding their own selfish actions.
      • Narcissist: “You’re so selfish, always thinking about yourself and never considering how your actions affect me.”
    2. Blaming others for their failures: They will attribute their own failures and shortcomings to external factors or other people, absolving themselves of any responsibility.
      • Narcissist: “I would have succeeded if it weren’t for your incompetence and lack of support. This is all your fault.”
    3. Calling others lazy: Narcissists may criticize others for their perceived lack of motivation, while they themselves may not contribute much or take on additional burdens.
      • Narcissist: “I can’t believe how lazy and unmotivated you are. If you just put in half the effort I do, you might actually accomplish something.”
    4. Triggering jealousy: Narcissists commonly project feelings of jealousy onto others, even if their own behavior is the cause of the jealousy.
      • Narcissist: “I can’t believe you’re so jealous of my success. It’s not my fault you’re not as talented or accomplished as I am.”
    5. Claiming to be the victim: Narcissists will often present themselves as victims in situations where they are, in fact, the ones perpetrating harm or manipulation.
      • Narcissist: “I’m the one who’s been wronged here. You’ve treated me so unfairly, and I’m the one suffering because of it.”
    6. Discrediting others’ intelligence: To maintain their perception of being superior, narcissists may try to undermine the intelligence or capabilities of those around them.
      • Narcissist: “You really don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand this. Leave the thinking to the people who actually know what they’re doing.
    7. Projecting emotional insecurity: Narcissists may accuse others of being emotionally unstable or insecure, while they themselves may exhibit these traits.
      • Narcissist: “You’re the one who’s emotionally unstable, not me. I’m perfectly in control of my feelings, unlike you.”

    Narcissistic projection is designed to purposely trigger you into confusion and defensiveness. This lets them move out of bad light, and avoid addressing what wrongs they did.

    “Projection is a primitive defense because it distorts or ignores reality in order for us to function and preserve our ego.”

    — Dr. Helene Brenner

    Emotional Toll of Narcissistic Projection

    Targets of narcissistic projection may feel confused and anxious, develop a victim mentality, and start to blame themselves for every fault in the relationship. They may begin to doubt and undermine their self-worth.

    Since narcissists project their own flaws onto their unsuspecting victims, this defense mechanism works like a form of gaslighting that makes it difficult for their victims to recognize the truth behind the accusations.

    Constant unwarranted criticism and accusatory behavior from the narcissist is toxic behavior and can leave victims in emotional distress as they struggle to grasp the reasons behind the accusations and hostility.

    How To Deal With Narcissistic Projection

    Dealing with narcissistic projection can be challenging. When a narcissist attacks you, it’s crucial to know what to do to protect yourself.

    Here are five effective ways to handle narcissistic projection:

    1. Maintain a strong sense of self.

    Keep reminding yourself that the narcissist is gaslighting you. Their projections are fabricated, inaccurate reflections of your reality. Tell them calmly that their accusations and blames are not true. Alternatively, you may use the gray rocking method to save your sanity.

    To effectively deal with narcissistic projection, assert your perspectives while steering clear of being drawn into their distorted reality, and focus on your emotional well-being.

    2. Set clear boundaries.

    To safeguard yourself from their toxic behaviors, spot the signs of pathological projective identification early and set clear boundaries to protect yourself from becoming entangled in the narcissist’s web of projection.

    Get them to repeat in their own words the boundaries that they will maintain. Confront them when they invade your personal space and warn them not to repeat it. Always make sure to tell them what you will do if they breach your boundaries again to project their issues onto you.

    3. Collect evidence.

    Gather information that supports your perspective, such as emails or messages, in case you need to prove your point in the future. Keep records of the conversations.

    4. Use neutral responses.

    Avoid engaging with the narcissist’s accusations by giving neutral responses. You could tell them, “I can see how you might think that, but I don’t agree.”

    5. Seek support.

    Build a support network by reaching out to friends, family, or a therapist to discuss your experiences with narcissistic projection. Be proactive in understanding and dealing with this behavior long before it clouds your judgment. You need a sounding board to keep your sanity and preserve your mental well-being.

    Tips for Moving Forward

    Dealing with narcissistic projection can be tough, but an even greater challenge lies in moving forward with your life. You have to stop loving the narcissist, break the spell, and move on.

    Here are some tips:

    1. Blocking them out.

    • Block them out: Cut ties with them to prevent further harm. Don’t allow the narcissist to re-enter your life. Block them on social media and messaging apps. Let people in your place of residence know to thwart their intrusion. Involve the legal authorities if you feel endangered or threatened. Avoid going out alone, as they might be monitoring your activities.
    • Build a new life: Patience is crucial when developing positive habits for your new life. Avoid rushing into another relationship. Focus on planning a fresh start.
    • Seek emotional distance: Engage in productive activities. Take breaks to relax and heal from the emotional impact of the narcissist’s projections. Create a distance from the beliefs and judgments the narcissist may have projected on you.

    2. Reducing the emotional toll.

    • Prioritize self-care: Focusing on nurturing your self-esteem builds resilience against manipulation tactics used by narcissists.
    • Build a support network: Connect with friends, family, or support groups to share experiences and gain insights from those in similar situations.
    • Consult an experienced therapist: Seeking professional guidance from a counselor familiar with narcissistic personalities can help you manage the emotional turmoil.

    3. Finding support to overcome narcissistic projection.

    • Seek empathetic support: Reach out to friends, family, and professionals who understand your experiences and can offer guidance through challenging situations.
    • Join a specialized support group: Consider participating in a group dedicated to helping individuals who have dealt with narcissists, providing shared understanding, coping strategies, and resources.
    • Work with an experienced therapist: Collaborate with a mental health professional knowledgeable about narcissistic personality disorder to develop personalized coping mechanisms and gain insights about navigating relationships.


    1. What is toxic projection?

      Toxic projection is a psychological defense mechanism when someone unconsciously attributes their own negative traits, behaviors, or emotions to someone else. It’s called “toxic” because it can hurt relationships and the mental well-being of the person on the receiving end. Toxic projection can occur in various relationships, including romantic partnerships, friendships, and family dynamics.

    2. How do you react to a narcissistic projection?

      Stay calm: Keep your emotions in check and avoid reacting impulsively to the projection.
      Set boundaries: Clearly communicate your limits and maintain them consistently.
      Don’t take it personally: Understand that the projection is about the narcissist, not you.
      Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist to discuss your experiences.
      Limit contact: Reduce your interaction with the narcissist, and, if possible, cut ties to protect yourself from further harm.
      Practice self-care: Nurture your self-esteem and emotional well-being.

    3. What is an example of projection manipulation?

      An example of projection manipulation is when a person who frequently lies accuses their partner of being dishonest. In this case, the person is projecting their own dishonest behavior onto their partner as a way to avoid confronting their own guilt and to manipulate the situation, making it seem like their partner is the one with the problem. This can create confusion and self-doubt in the partner, who may start questioning their own honesty and integrity.

    Final Words

    One final piece of advice, educate yourself on narcissism. An understanding of narcissistic personality traits will help you spot patterns of abuse and equip you with the tools to protect your mental and emotional well-being.

    Following these tips, you can handle narcissistic projection better, get stronger, and go on in life.

    Realize that you are far more resilient, helpful, and valuable than they could ever make you feel.

    Always remember, no amount of narcissistic projection can ever change your true worth.

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    Author Bio: Researched and reviewed by Dr. Sandip Roy, an experienced medical doctor and psychology writer focusing on mental well-being, happiness, positive psychology, and philosophy. His expertise and empathetic approach have helped many mental abuse survivors find happiness and well-being in their lives.

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