Author: Roy Sandip
Quiet people are often stereotyped. Many see them as strange, lacking social skills, or people who hate people. But the truth is quite different.
Upgrade your wrist game with these top 4 hybrid smartwatches, blending timeless design with cutting-edge tech. Perfect for fitness, notifications, and classic charm.
Think like innovator Elon Musk. Learn the psychology behind first principles thinking. Break down problems into their core elements to solve problems better.
Do you live with a snorer? Or, you're the snorer? If yes, then you know how hard the struggle is. These 11 remedies are scientifically proven to stop snoring.
Learn how to improve your savoring skills and get more out of life. Try these six easy ways to boost your overall happiness and life-satisfaction.
There’s no need to feel completely frazzled if you’re a mother. You could practice staying present in the moment through mindfulness.
An emotional state influences a student's performance critically. It affects their social behavior, motivation, and decision-making. When learners enjoy what they do and find it meaningful, they are more …
As babies grow older a few weeks, you can begin to control their sleep-awake pattern. Learn how to make baby sleep on its own using these 9 tips by …
Discover Ikigai, the Japanese philosophy to find happiness in your personal and professional life. Find your purpose, live with passion, achieve fulfillment.
Martin Seligman gave the world its first happiness formula: H=S+C+V. H is the sum of three factors: your happiness set-point (S), your life circumstances (C), and things you do …
You can learn to build resilience and heal yourself from abuse. These are 7 psychology-tested steps to help you get there.
We often boast we can handle criticism like a pro when the critique is fair. But whenever we face a harsh remark, we react in ways we claimed we …