Forgiving someone is not an act of altruism; it is rather an act of self-preservation. To not forgive is to hold on to a grudge and a memory that …
Gaslighting is primarily a series of intentional behaviors, commonly deployed to manipulate victims through the use of certain phrases.
Each of us can feel lonely. A person who is physically alone, as in forced solitude, could easily give in to loneliness, and feel sad, empty, and helpless. All …
Practicing the R.A.I.N. method of mindfulness meditation can bring you peace and make you a closer friend to yourself. Learn how to do it the easy way.
Loneliness is a painful experience, still many lonely people suffer in silence because of fear and stigma. How can you escape loneliness after being forced into solitude?
Modern dictators are not always easy to spot since they masterfully sway public opinion in their favor. However, there are some warning signs that can help you identify one.
Communication lost to inattention or misconception is a waste of both parties’ breath and time. Active listening can help.
Loneliness and depression have a symbiotic relationship. One may lead to the other, shows research. But why do young people seem to have more of both?
The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person is influenced by the first thing we notice about them. This effect can lead …
Social loneliness appears when you are alone and physically isolated from your known people. How does it harm?
Unless you think you were born a god, you will keep making some mistakes in your life. Still, to forgive yourself is a difficult act. Why?
Loneliness is a deeply personal issue that can drastically reduce one's level of happiness. It is marked by a sense of sadness and emptiness. Lonely people feel socially isolated …