When poor and hungry, we suffer greatly. Money helps us overcome the hardships of poverty. But once we get out of poverty, can money buy happiness indefinitely?
Let's explore this psychology of music and happiness, and find out how melodies, rhythms, and harmonies affect our emotions and mental state.
We can't always wake up happy, but we can decide to take actions to create a happy day. Learn what's the International Day of Happiness.
Want to have a more satisfying life? Find out how to with these 8 scientific, practical suggestions from University of California psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky.
Do your Facebook friendships make you unhappy and envious? Can online friends deliver offline happiness? Why do you need social connections? What science says of this?
Is there a link between exercise and happiness? Yes. So, what is the brain science behind exercise happiness? Understand the brain science behind exercise and happiness. Find out how …
Why is happiness important? What research in positive psychology tells us about the A's and B's (advantages and benefits) of happiness?
Is there a math equation for happiness? A new equation found our happiness depends on expectations during decision making tasks, and a history of recent rewards.
Science says, past memory is the last to go. If you don't create happy memories today, what would you have when you're old age? Happiness tomorrow begins today.
Knowing a happy person increases your chances of happiness by 15%. And if a friend of your friend is happy, it boosts your chances of happiness by 10%.
Mindfulness is stilling the mind to an awareness of the flowing thoughts. Here is an easy guide to hack your mindfulness practice step-by-step.
Maysoon Zayid proves that no dream is impossible. She lives her dream! "I have cerebral palsy. I shake all the time," she declares triumphantly.