Category: Narcissists, Psychopaths, Sociopaths
The vulnerable narcissist has a fragile ego, clings to their negative past, and is readily offended by criticism or negative comments. Find out more about them.
Can there be someone who's a positive narcissist? How would you find out if they will be good for you?
Some narcissists are good at hiding their true traits: grandiosity, entitlement, and insensitivity. Steal these giveaway covert narcissist signs, often missed.
A toxic friendship is marked by a lack of support, understanding, empathy, and compassion. Toxic friendships harm one’s self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as one’s ability to take risks, …
Living with a narcissist can be living in an abusive relationship. The narcissist does not empathize with the thoughts, feelings, and sufferings of their partner.
Narcissists are people who are full of themselves. Their central focus in life is to establish before others that they are superior to all of them.
Grandiose narcissists are the more assertive and extroverted form of narcissism. They use excessive praise and admiration to draw attention and narcissistic supply from others.
Oedipus complex or Oedipal complex is a child’s unconscious tendency to fall in love with the opposite-gender parent, and harbor jealousy, resentment, and anger toward the same-gender parent.
Online trolling is a vicious form of antisocial behavior that can make its victims suffer depression, anxiety, and fear. Learn how to deal with internet trolls.
This broke the world of neuroscience: the brain can rebuild itself up to 10 times greater than earlier thought. How 17 monkeys changed neuroplasticity forever?