The fundamental attribution error is when we think someone made a mistake because they're a bad person, and it's in their nature, not because of circumstances.
Memento mori bracelets serve as a reminder of our own mortality, encouraging us to live life to the fullest and cherish every moment.
How can you get out of limerence, an intense attraction that you can't control? Here are the seven steps:
This chapter-wise summary of Dorothy Tennov's book Love and Limerence explains everything you want to know about the crazy types of infatuation that can make people kill for love.
Do narcissists actually like other narcissists? Are they mutual fans? Do they tussle in power struggles? Take a psychological dive into narcissist-narcissist relationships.
Unrequited limerence is like waiting for a bus that will never come, but you stand at the bus stop full of hopes and dreams.