Do you love a celebrity, like an influencer? For some, this love can become an obsession that interferes with their normal lives. This is celebrity limerence.
What is limerence? How does it flood your mind with intense feelings of attraction and infatuation? Learn to recognize the signs of this powerful emotion.
A Duchenne smile is often considered the most genuine smile indicating happiness, enjoyment, and other positive emotions. Find out more.
The sociopath smile is a warning sign of a person with antisocial traits and intents. You must recognize the smile and learn to protect yourself in time.
There are some powerful ways to make a narcissist fear you. Learn how to stand up to them and make them crawl back into their shells. Read this today!
The “Three Good Things” is a positive psychology practice to build a happier life. All it takes is a pen, paper, and three minutes of your time. Learn it …